JAKARTA - Four years of silence, Bobby iKON opened his voice about the exit of BI or Kim Han Bin from their group. It is known that iKON has a career with the formation of six temporary members of BI solo careers.
Today, Monday, September 11, Bobby uploaded a leak of his latest single via Instagram. Not a few fans have asked about BI or the relationship between BI and iKON after the leader left the group.
Many miss their togetherness considering they also collaborated on several songs. Bobby decided to open his voice about it. He said, 'I understand how you feel because he (BI) is my brother.'
"He showed and had a bad influence on our generation but couldn't stop my love for him. You know, he knows what he did wrong but don't make this kind of competition," continued Bobby.
Bobby feels that BI deserves a second chance because he is a good person. He also admitted that he was annoyed when he found out that BI chose to leave iKON and left them when he was at the peak of popularity.
"I mean, he neglected iKON or me or Chanwoo, DK, Song, Jay, June. but after all the hatred I felt for him, he made that decision because he didn't want to be a burden for iKON," he explained.
I chose to forgive him and show love to my brother. I don't know if we can collaborate but I still love him," he said.
According to him, fans don't need to fight to side with iKON and BI because everyone has their own way. This is Bobby's response to fans who choose OT7 which means iKON with 7 members compared to iKON with 6 members.
She has her own life and iKON has iconics to make them feel love and happy. We do what we do. Love is key to everything," said Bobby.
"Don't make OT7 or OT6 or anything else. I'm not trying to be political. I just want to tell you what I feel. Stop this fight," he said in the comments column.
BI chose to leave iKON on June 12, 2019. It was revealed that he had tried to buy drugs from someone. YG Entertainment denied that they did a urine check every two months.
Even though it came out, BI was still given credit as a writer for four songs on the mini album IKON, I Decide, which was released in 2020. BI also underwent examination and tested negative for using drugs, as BI admitted several points from the investigation process.
Bobby's name became a trending topic after some of the comments were written on his social media.
iKON now consists of six members and leaves YG Entertainment. They also held world tours to several cities, one of which was Jakarta, on November 19, 2023 at Tennis Indoor Senayan.
BI also plans to release a new album along with a European tour for Love or Die.
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