
JAKARTA - The public was shocked by Kim Hieora who was reportedly the bully during school. Dispatch's exclusive report released on Wednesday, September 6 revealed the alleged actions of the actress before her career in the entertainment industry.

Today, Thursday, September 7, Kim Hieora's agency Gram Entertainment and the actress opened their voices. Previously they had stated that they were preparing a statement after this report was shared.

More than anything, we apologize for causing concern to everyone regarding Kim Hieora. We want to convey our position as an agency. First we want to explain how Kim Hieora's report was shared," Gram Entertainment said.

The agency confirmed Kim Hieora joined Big Sangji while attending a school at Sangji Girls Middle School. But apart from that statement, they made sure the report submitted was not true.

They explained that Kim Hieora was told before this report was uploaded, but Kim Hieora did not really remember the few points that were conveyed. The Uncanny Counter 2 star also visited the media office to answer questions honestly.

Different from the title of the article that was shared, Kim Hieora was not involved in bullying. He was never involved in school violence. We want to tell what Kim Hieora said when he spoke directly," he said.

They claim that the media informant apologized to Kim Hieora for misunderstanding. The agency also stated that Big Sangji was not a bully group but an ordinary group.

Once again, Kim Hieora has never been a bully and has not participated in school violence. We will clarify the report by releasing complete information in the future," concluded the agency.

Kim Hieora also writtenly shared a letter containing his personal statement. He admitted that during school, he was not a smart student or role model, but he never did criminal things according to the report.

"I'm sometimes embarrassed to remember who I was before. Since I was young, I've been the center of attention or been the target of bullying because of my different names and appearances," wrote Kim Hieora.

I have never harmed or bullied anyone repeatedly for personal pleasure. I think I can promise this, at least for myself," he said.

Along with this report, Kim Hieora's appearance as MC for SNL Korea was canceled. He also reportedly asked for this report to be released after the broadcast of the drama The Uncanny Counter 2 was completed so as not to harm other players.

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