YOGYAKARTA Cats are carnivorous animals. Even so, they still need fiber. But it cannot be compared to humans who need more fibered food for digestive health. Cats need fiber but actually the digestive system is quite difficult to digest sources of high fiber food.
Fiber for cats is used to regulate blood sugar. Because it is not broken down into a sugar molecule, it only helps feel full without adding weight. There are two kinds of fibers that function differently. Soluble fiber is dissolved by the stomach fluid when it reaches the cat's intestines. After becoming a gel, this fiber is effective in holding water and making the fiber wetter. The main role of soluble fiber in cats is to help shape and remove healthy feces. While insoluble fiber functions to maintain a feeling of fullness without adding calories so as to prevent fat cats.
It is important to understand, you should not add fiber asupa too quickly to cats. This can cause digestive disorders and diarrheaal pain. Fiber administration needs to be gradual and needs to be consulted first with veterinarians. The recommended daily figures are based on healthy adult cats and do not take into account the weight factors, activity levels, and race levels, and complaints experienced by cats.
Experts recommend cat foods must contain 2-8 percent fiber but not more than 10 percent. That is, you need to check the label of foods that are consumed by anabul. If you make your own cat food from natural or raw foods first, determine how much food is given per day. The secretity ensures the composition of protein, fat, hydration, and fiber is no more than 10 percent of all the food. But it's best not to give fiber every day. Here's a source of safe fiber given to cats.
Wheat pawns are a by-product of milled wheat grains. Often dedak is thrown away or sold at low prices. This is also a source of fiber that has a sweet taste so that it can add calories to cats. Wheat denda contains 18.5 grams of carbohydrates and 12.5 grams of fiber.
Besides containing fiber, carrots also contain a number of vitamin C. These vegetables are low in calories and only have a little fat. But even though they are not toxic, don't give raw carrots to cats. This means that carrots must be boiled or steamed and then added to protein and fatty foods.
Low green beans contain carbohydrates. Green beans are also a source of fiber which is very likely to be included as a mixture of his favorite daily anabul food at home even though the fiber contains half of the carrots.
In addition to being fibered, low-calorie broccoli and rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants can prevent signs of aging and fight free radicals in the cat's body. Thus, broccoli can help improve the health of cats and the performance of the immune system.
Launching PetKeen, Tuesday, September 5, spinach is a high green vegetable of iron, vitamin C, and K. Bayam is also very low in calories. However, due to low protein, you do not need to reduce the amount of protein meat consumed by anabul.
Selada is a good and safe source of fiber for cats. This vegetable also helps cats hydrate enough. If you give lettuce to cats, choose a leaf-colored lettuce darker than a pale lettuce.
That's a fiber food that's safe for cats. It's important to understand, providing nutrition with the best quality is a top priority.
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