
YOGYAKARTA Allergies are often associated with powders, mushrooms, animal fur, or nuts. But a number of allergens other than those mentioned, may look strange and unexpected. There are allergies to red meat, coffee, to sweat allergies. For more details, see the following explanation about things that are unexpectedly an allergic trigger.

Coffee allergies are very rare, most likely due to certain proteins in coffee beans. In a study reported by Health, Sunday, September 3, researchers identified specific proteins in raw coffee beans and those that had been roasted. It can lead to allergic reactions experienced by some coffee farmers.

This protein is likely to be stable against heat and may still trigger allergies when taken. But these findings require more research. The reason is, people may mistakenly think caffeine intolerance is coffee energy. In fact, caffeine intolerance does not involve the immune response that occurs when you are allergic. Coffee allergy, triggers an immediate reaction, such as itching eyes, nasal congestion, or red eyes.

The allergy of red meat is known as a meat allergy that is bitten by a tick or alpha-gal syndrome. Alpha-gal is a type of sugar found in most mammals, except in humans. People with this allergy have the potential to react life-threateningly after eating red meat including cows, pigs, sheep, and venison.

Usually symptoms of the red meat allergic reaction appear 2-6 hours after consuming alpha-gal. The case can be mild to severe, but in severe cases it can cause anaphylaxis.

Research shows drinking moderate amounts of red wine, can provide some health benefits such as lowering the risk of heart disease and reducing stress and anxiety. However, some people may be allergic to red wine characterized by itchy eyes, stuffy or runny nose, and a red rash on the skin. People with asthma or fever, are more likely to experience wine allergies.

Unfortunately it's unclear what triggers allergic reactions to wine. Some people may be allergic to proteins in wine. Others may react to yeast or other ingredients used to process and clean wine. Proteins from insects that can contaminate destroyed wine can also trigger reactions.

Including allergies that are rare, called aquagenic urticaria or water allergies. Scientists do not yet know what causes this allergy. Several cases have reported family allergic history. But experts have not identified specific genes related to this condition. It is important to know, all types of water can trigger this allergy. Including distilled water, rainwater, tap water, sweat, salted water, and tears. Based on reported cases, allergic reactions only occur when the skin is directly contacted.

Sunlight and ultraviolet (UV) rays can cause a hypersensitive immune response that worsens some skin conditions. This photosintive condition is known as photoderbarosis, whose symptoms depend on the type of condition. But generally, it is recognized with reddish skin, itching, abrasions, and in some cases it only gets itching on the skin.

There are three types of Ethiopian photoders, first, the most common polymorphic light eruption (PMLE) and designated with several gene mutations. This allergy occurs about 10-20 percent of the population in the United States, Central Europe, and Scandinavia. Second, the solar urrticaria that experiences repeated skin rashes after several minutes of exposure to the sun. Usually started in early adults and the cause was unclear. Photial dermatitis is an allergy characterized by an eczema-like and very rare rash that causes reddening and scaly.

Sweat allergies seem unlikely, but not never. Sweat comes out on a hot day, during exercise, or under stress. Some people experience bumps as small as needles when they are dry, this is called the collinergaric urticarium. If you are suffering from atopic dermatitis, similar eczema, or chronic inflammatory skin disease, it may experience an itching rash that gets worse while sweating.

The cause of sweat allerrgy is not yet entirely clear. However, experts explain, when sweating the body releases water, sodium, and poisons such as dust. It also changes your skin's pH and lacks acid. These factors can trigger allergies in some people. Especially if they already suffer from atopic dermatitis and collinergic urtikaria.

Common symptoms of cold allergies include itching, lumps appear, and swelling in the skin. Midwives can also develop in soft tissue areas, such as the tongue and throat. Symptoms usually start in 1-5 minutes and may disappear within an hour or more. In severe cases, cold allergies have the potential to be life-threatening in case of anaphylaxis. About 5 out of 10,000 people can experience this allergy. It can be experienced at all ages, but usually starts between ages 10-40.3 years.

If you experience certain symptoms that mark allergies due to cold, sweat, and others mentioned above, immediately visit health service providers for diagnosis and proper treatment.

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