
JAKARTA - Irish Bella finally opened her voice about the drug abuse case her husband, Ammar Zoni, is facing. He handed over the entire legal process that was running to the law enforcers who handled it.

"The ongoing trial process. I fully believe the ongoing legal process in our country," said Irish Bella.

The 27-year-old actress also rejected the assessment of many people who judged her not to care about what Ammar Zoni was facing, considering that she was never seen attending her husband's trial.

Even though he was not present, Irish Bella admitted that she continued to pray to Allah and asked that all processes that went smoothly and ended well for all parties.

"I never finished praying to Allah. May Allah make it easy, may Allah go smoothly, and hopefully the final result will be for all of us," said Irish Bella.

Furthermore, the mother of two also stated that she had not spoken much because she wanted to maintain her privacy. He avoided the news in order to protect his mental state to deal with the problems faced by his family.

"I also apologize, I'm very sorry, I don't mean to avoid it, but hopefully it can also be understood and respect my privacy," said Irish Bella.

"Because this is indeed my way to stay strong and take care of my mentality to deal with the current situation. So that's all I can say," he continued.

On the other hand, Aditya Zoni said that his brother, Ammar Zoni, asked Irish Bella not to come to visit Cipinang Prison.

"If Kak Ibel takes care of the water with Amala, it will be a bit difficult to visit," Aditya Zoni told the media crew at the South Jakarta District Court, Tuesday, August 22.

"For example, in Cipinang, Bang Ammar asked not to be visited by Kak Ibel, he meant sorry for the girls who visited there," concluded Aditya Zoni.

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