
YOGYAKARTA Feet and hands feel cold can be a response to low air temperature. However, if it is followed by certain other symptoms, it is associated with medical conditions that require treatment. Starting from anemia to diabetes it can affect the leg temperature.

Symptoms that generally follow cold feet and hands include feeling weak in the two parts of the body, being sensitive to cold temperatures, changing skin color when cold and stressed, feeling numb while warming or eliminating stress. Furthermore, here are the causes of the palms of the feet and hands feeling cold even though the air temperature is hot.

For people suffering from diabetes, the risk of developing peripheral neuropathy can affect the legs. Complications of diabetes that damage nerves in the legs, may make the legs feel cold. But it feels normal when touched. People without diabetes can also be exposed to peripheral neuropathy, causes due to injury, autoimmune disease, alcohol addiction, lack of vitamins, spinal cord disorders, less active thyroid, and use of drugs.

Another cause that attacks nerves and can be experienced by a person with diabetes or not, due to peripheral arterial disease. This disease is caused by high blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking, and old age.

Tiroid is a butterfly-shaped gland located on the neck. This gland produces hormones that affect almost all organs. Hormones also help convert food and oxygen into energy. Well, if the thyroid is less active or is called hypothyroidism, it means that this gland does not emit enough hormones. It can make you feel cold all over your body, including your feet and hands.

Raynaud's disease causes the body to overreact to cold. When the temperature is low, the fingers of the hands and feet may feel numb or frozen. Sometimes it changes color, from painting to turmeric. When it is hot, those with Raynaud's disease will feel sore, red, and stressed, triggering an attack of anxiety. This disease causes problems in several arteries or blood vessels that carry blood from the heart to the rest of the body. Then the arteries of the hands strain and narrow, causing blood not to flow either to the fingers of the hands and feet. Sometimes it reaches the nose, lips, ears, and nipples.

Raynaud's disease, more often occurs in cold climate areas and often attacks women than men. Launching WebMD, Wednesday, August 23, there are two types of these diseases, namely primary Raynaud with milder but most common symptoms experienced. Secondary Raynaud, maybe more serious and attacks at older age. Several different things, such as lupus, rheumathoid arthritis, injury, or carpal tunnel syndrome, can cause it. Medicines for high blood pressure and some migraine drugs, can also cause legs to feel cold.

Foot soles feel cold can be a sign that you have anemia. That means the body does not have enough red blood cells, or red blood cells are not healthy enough to carry out their job of bringing oxygen from the lungs throughout the body. So it is advisable to see a doctor if you experience signs of anemia because it could be a symptom of another disease.

Buerger's disease is rare, but a smoker or chewing tobacco, the legs will feel cold and possibly symptoms of this disease. Diseases associated with tobacco use cause blood vessels in the hands and feet to swell. It slows the flow of blood and can form clots and cause infection. Meet your doctor if you have symptoms of Burger disease. This is more common in men than women, and in people under 45.

If you have high cholesterol, it is likely to experience the risk of circulation problems, which cause cold feet and hands even though the temperature is hot. The problem with circulation, called arterial disease, is the result of buildup of cholesterol and inflammation of blood vessels.

If you are preparing for a large presentation or project, you may be a little nervous and cause the soles of your feet and hands to feel cold. When stressed, the body pushes blood to the core of the body and stays away from the hands and feet, causing it to feel cold.

Because many triggers for your feet and hands feel cold, it is important to see a doctor if you feel disturbed or followed by uncomfortable symptoms. When feeling it, you can overcome it by wearing a socks or hand T-shirt. In addition, practicing how to manage stress and get more iron. Plus, quitting smoking and living a healthy lifestyle will take care of your overall health.

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