7 Tips For Choosing Skincare For Oily Face T-Zone Areas
Illustration of skincare for oily face T-zone (Freepik/jcomp) areas


YOGYAKARTA If you have a combination of skin, which in the T-zone area the face is oily while the cheeks are dry, it is necessary to choose the skincare appropriately. Instead of having a bad effect on appearance, follow the following tips in choosing skincare for an oily face T-zone area.

Although it is difficult to choose a facial cleaner that does not contain alcohol, you can select it based on the main ingredients. Choose a safe main ingredient, it is most important to avoid alcohol-based cleaning. Use facial wash soap, but limit the use twice a day. Or you can use it as an addition when you get a lot of sweat. It is also important to choose facial cleansing that is formulated for oily skin and occasionally use a soft exfoliator to remove dirt.

When the face T-zone area is oily, you still need a moisturizer. But select a water-based and non-medogenic labeled moisturizer. How to use it, apply it thinly to the T zone and thicker on the cheek to deal with drought.

Masks can help clean pores in depth and absorb excess oil. For oily faces, especially the T-zone area, wear clay masks and tea tree oil. These two materials help correct the pores that are symptomatic and lift them clean.

After makeupting your face in an oily leather area, it is likely to look shiny. Instead of trying to cover it with cakey-risked powder, it is better to prepare a blending paper that can absorb excess oil and reduce the slope.

According to makeup artist Carmindy reported by All Women's Talk, Monday, August 21, always choose powder sprinklers to regulate your makeup. Dense spots can be used on the heavier side and help absorb and control the glow much better than light sowing powder. Carmindy also recommends avoiding makeup made from creams on the cheeks or powder base because it is easy to fade on oily skin.

An oily face T area can use oil-free Badminton powder. If you use the right powder base formula, the makeup will last longer and avoid changes in color that usually occur in oily skin areas. So look for a powder or mineral powder base or you may want to try a light-colored moisturizer with a good solid powder for the perfect final result.

The most important thing to do for the owner of the oily face T-zone area is to coat his face before making makeup. So that the makeup lasts longer, replace the primary with gel or cream hanging in your T-zone.

In addition to the seven tips for choosing skincare for the oily face T-zone area above, there are many different ways to deal with this problem. If you have found the best way, hopefully the explanation above can be an alternative in choosing skincare according to your skin type.

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