
JAKARTA - After a traffic accident last week, Lady Nayyan's condition is currently looking better. Recently, he was seen visiting the hospital for physiotherapy.

Rendy Kjaernett, who accompanied Lady Nayyan through physiotherapy, said that his wife's condition was getting better than last week.

"The results are getting better," said Rendy Kjaernett, launching the Seleb Oncam News YouTube channel on Wednesday, August 9.

Lady Nayyan explained that several parts of her body were torn due to a single accident on the Jatibening Toll Road. It was seen that her left arm was still bruised and her left ankle had to be bandaged.

In the future, Lady still has to undergo several physiotherapys to return to normal.

"The doctor explained that his muscles were torn, maybe five more therapeutics (can be normal)," said Lady Nayyan.

"Earlier, when he was fisiotherapy, the doctor said his muscles were injured, because he was unlucky (on the accident), so there was a torn muscle, that's blue. Now it's better," said Rendy Kjaernett.

Based on information obtained from doctors, Lady must regularly undergo several exercises at home so that her muscles are not stiff.

"Just practice more movement at home. Because this is muscle, so it won't be stiff," said Lady.

Luckily, Rendy Kjaernett's injury was not too severe, so he could accompany and take care of his wife until she recovered.

"Yes, fortunately I can still stand up, not as bad as Lady. So fortunately I can still help Lady," said Rendy Kjaernett.

Seeing the relationship between Rendy Kjaernett and Lady Nayoan which seemed to be improving again after previously heating up, netizens hoped that the two would not divorce.

Many of the netizens were happy to see the two return to appear together in public.

"I'm really happy to see them both at peace. I hope they are always happy in the future," wrote the netizen in the comments column.

"It's great to see them together again. Get well soon for both of you, physically and mentally. God always take care of it," said another netizen.

"Get well soon, Mba Lady. Grateful to still be given safety. May the household also return to peace and harmony," wrote another netizen.

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