YOGYAKARTA The boarding time of the plane is a moment that is sometimes underestimated by passengers. In fact, boarding activities are very important as well as affect timeliness both in terms of passengers and airlines. Then, when is the actual boarding time?
Boarding is one of the terms used in the procedure for loading passengers to the plane. The term boarding can be interpreted as an activity carried out by passengers when entering an airplane vehicle.
Boarding activities are not carried out carelessly. Before boarding time occurs, prospective passengers must already be in the boarding lounge area or the simple term waiting area. Boarding time itself is carried out for 20 to 30 minutes before the plane takes off, depending on the airline.
Airlines can go through the boarding process 20 to 30 minutes before departure. That way passengers do not wait too long for departure time on the plane but in the waiting area.
It should also be noted that passengers must go through several procedures before boarding the plane. The procedure for passengers to board the plane is expected to be followed for safety and order. The following is the summary.
In the first stage, prospective passengers must make preparations first. Make sure prospective passengers already have tickets according to departure. In addition, check as well as luggage, try not to exceed the specified capacity.
After everything is needed is ready, get to the airport immediately. It is recommended to come to the airport 2-3 hours earlier than the flight schedule. This suggestion is done so that passengers are not in a hurry while at the airport.
Upon arrival at the airport, prospective passengers must check-in first. This step must be taken because it has become a permanent procedure for passengers. Check-in itself can be done offline or online. Prospective passengers can ask the officer about the check-in procedure set at the airport.
If prospective passengers have passed the inspection stage during check-in, the boarding process can be done by entering the gate or gate according to the boarding pass, this card is given during check-in. The arrival of passengers at this stage must also be earlier than the predetermined time.
Prospective passengers will receive instructions that are broadcast according to departure. This means that if you have not entered the boarding pass period, passengers must wait. After entering the boarding time, passengers can only enter the plane.
When getting on the plane, look for a seat according to the number listed on the boarding pass. If it is difficult to find the boarding pass number, passengers can ask the flight attendant and ask to be delivered.
Later flight attendants will exercise emergency security and evacuation procedures. Passengers are expected to listen to the instructions. Make sure passengers obey the rules that have been set.
After the plane landed, passengers were not allowed to leave immediately because they had to wait for directions from flight attendants.
That's information about when aircraft boarding time. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.
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