
YOGYAKARTA Parents need to know how parenting strategies that really encourage children to take lessons at school. It should be understood also that success at school is not only about the value of the report, but they have a way of learning, storing information, thinking independently, dare to ask questions, and developing competencies. Here are ways that parents need to do to help their children succeed in school.

Collaborating with children is a long process. Therefore, parents need to focus on the most important thing for school success. It is important to avoid, not to give excessive schedules and compare with their peers. Love children based on their performance. More importantly, know the competence and building of children's self-efficiency. Raport is indeed one of the measures of achievement. However, identify how children learn and provide positive feedback to support the development of self-efficiency.

Children's schedules are too busy don't make them smart. But a balanced schedule will actually make a big difference. For example, make schedules according to your child's tendencies. Kids tend to stick with the plans they make themselves. Launching NYTimes, Tuesday, August 8, following their plans may be more functional and efficient than controlling to be right.

Devices may be a challenge for parents. Not to mention the games that attract the most attention of children instead of learning to socialize with colleagues or people at home. For this reason, parents must be wise in providing healthy learning facilities. Prepare plans for the use of access to technology. Not only for children, but for all family members. For example, agreeing when the screen time is for the whole family, how many hours a day, or giving access only to provide references to knowledge according to age.

Research shows the involvement of families and positive school communications attributed to improving values, behavior, and positive attitudes about lessons, increasing participation, and increasing attendance. Parents should also know how their children's teachers can be contacted. Don't forget, reply to classroom teachers who are trying to teach children well. More importantly, promote self-advocacy that encourages children to speak, tell adults what they need, and oppose people who don't treat them the way they want.

Self-advocacy is an important part in building child self-efficiency. That way children think that they have the power to control, change behavior, motivation, and play a role in their environment.

Education and parenting are long-term efforts, and improvements do not occur every day. Start thinking where you want your child to be in the next one to five years. When it feels chaotic on a certain day, stay open to learning from this chaos so that it can reach its destination. Because educating and raising children is a long-term 'project' that needs to be done with joy and continuous efforts.

Those are the five ways parents help their children succeed at school. If you need support, talk to those closest to you. Get a positive support system and a good environment so that you can develop a successful plan going forward.

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