JAKARTA - Chicken skin or known as pillaric keratosis is a condition of harmless skin disorders that causes dry, rough skin, and lumps appear. Often in armpits,longness, cheeks, and buttocks areas.
Chicken skin can be caused by various factors, including hair growing inwards, burns from barbershops, clogged pores, or skin disorders.
Here are some steps you can take to help get rid of chicken skin, especially in the armpits, according to the Times of India, Thursday, August 3.
Your armpit exfoliation regularly removes dead skin cells and helps prevent hair from growing inward. Use a soft exfoliatory scrub or smooth hair brush to gently rub the area where there is a skinkin with a twisting motion. Be careful not to rub too hard, because it can irritate the skin.
Apply a warm compress to chicken skin to help calm the skin and reduce inflammation. Soak the clean cloth in warm water, squeeze the water, and press slowly into the affected area for a few minutes. Repeat this method several times a day as needed.
If chicken skin in the armpit is caused by burns from a barber knife or hair growing inward, consider stopping shaving or waxing on your armpit until the bump heals. This will allow the skin to recover and reduce further irritation.
Apply free-selling creams or lotions that contain ingredients such as salicylic acid or benzoil peroxide to help open clogged pores and reduce inflammation. Follow instructions on the product and use them according to the instructions.
Avoid the use of soap, deodorant, or strong anti-pelindir which can irritate further armpit skin. Choose a soft and fragrance-free product that is formulated specifically for sensitive skin.
After cleaning the armpit area, apply soft moisturizer-free fragrances to keep the skin hydrated. This can help prevent drought and further irritation. Do it twice a day for maximum results.
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