
JAKARTA - Infidelity is certainly a frightening scourge in a romantic relationship. And of course, cheating is always based on certain reasons that encourage individuals to betray their partner's trust. From being dissatisfied in relationships to other possibilities such as revenge and boredom can be the cause of the emergence of cheating.

Below, VOI describes six reasons for infidelity that often occur in relationships.

When a person experiences a period of boredom or monotonous feeling, he tends to look for new things and pleasure outside of a relationship that is being undertaken. Bored makes him seek validation and love from outside parties. He may consider infidelity as an escape from boring routines and the opportunity to regain the joy he believes is lost in the current relationship.

A person may also commit an affair as an act of revenge or retaliation for his partner's mistakes. This could be an attempt to regain strength or cause emotional pain in a partner. He may take revenge for betrayal or abuse by his partner.

The fundamental goal behind the chip is the desire to hurt others as he has been hurt. Revenge through infidelity can provide satisfaction.

In general, being unhappy with the current relationship can cause someone to have an affair. It could be because of problems such as lack of mutual interest or growing apart from time to time which ultimately lead to neglect. When a person feels neglected in a relationship, he will have an affair to feel wanted, loved, and back to be important.

Having low self-esteem can also be the cause of cheating because he wants to find validation from other people. Cheating gives a temporary ego boost and makes him feel wanted and becomes an attractive person.

When a person is not happy or dissatisfied in his relationship and finds it difficult to make decisions to end the relationship directly. He will find an easier way out through infidelity.

Sometimes, a person can be emotionally disconnected from their partner. If a person feels physically or emotionally neglected by a partner, he may seek emotional support, understanding, and validation from others outside of relationships. In cases like this, the coveted emotional relationship is what makes him have an affair with his partner.

Physical intimacy plays an important role in relationships. And when the sexual needs of one partner are not fulfilled consistently, it can lead to frustration and temptation. Sexual dissatisfaction or lack of physical intimacy in a relationship can be a driving factor for infidelity. Some individuals may seek sexual pleasure or explore their desires outside of relationships when they feel dissatisfied or dissatisfied while in bed.

Those are six reasons why cheating occurs, which VOI summarizes from the Times of India page, Tuesday, August 1. If you find it unsatisfactory in your romantic relationship, it would be nice to communicate to find a solution together. Instead of making your own decisions by having an affair.

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