
JAKARTA - Singer and songwriter Melly Goeslaw does not deny that she has been addicted to cigarettes for a long time. He had felt there was no problem with continuing smoking.

However, his views on cigarettes changed after undergoing bariatric surgery some time ago. He admitted that he had succeeded in overcoming his addiction to cigarettes.

"I never had the dream of quitting smoking, I'm sorry. But after bariatric, I just looked at the packaging," said Melly Goeslaw in Gandaria, South Jakarta on Thursday, July 27.

Anto Hoed's wife did not know for sure whether the bariatric operation she was undergoing affected addiction to cigarettes that had been going on for a long time. However, what is certain is that he felt nauseous by just looking at cigarette packs.

"Maybe because of hormonal changes or what, who can explain the doctor. But what I felt when I saw the pack was cool. Yes, thank God." said Melly Goeslaw.

Because he had stopped smoking, Melly Goeslaw felt the change in his appearance. He felt the pain at this time so it looked fresher.

"If the skin is fresher, yes, because I also stopped smoking. I don't want it, I'm really excited about smoking," he said.

In addition, bariatric surgery according to Melly Goeslaw also managed to cure her diabetes which was quite severe. Previously, he said that blood sugar levels could reach 300 mg/dL.

One of my steps is bariatric because I have diabetes, the total recovery is diabetes. Previously (the blood sugar content) was 200 to 300, now 99, the highest is 100. Maybe because I ate a little. The most important thing is, "

Although the current intake of food is far less, Melly Goeslaw admits that she has never felt weak in her body. Instead, she felt tireder when she weighed bigger first.

"Gold you at all, because your protein intake is fixed, you eat a lot of fish, the main thing is high protein. In fact, I was weaker when I was fat, because maybe I was diabetic, I was really sleepy, I didn't want to move," said Melly Goeslaw.

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