YOGYAKARTA Many deodorant products are sold freely at outlets and supermarkets. But if you choose deodorants from natural ingredients, there are several compositions that can be utilized. Interested in looking for natural ingredients as an alternative to deodorant, here's the list.
Coconut oil can be used for any needs. Most generally for processing dishes. But it can also be used for the beauty of hair and skin. Well, for an alternative deodorant, coconut oil has antibacterial properties that kill bacteria that smell. To use it, mix at least two tablespoons of coconut oil with essential oils for fragrances. This will not irritate if applied to your armpits.
To enjoy the smell, it may take time to adapt. But tea tree oil can be used as an effective deodorant. According to a board-certified dermatologist based in New York City, Aanand Geria, MD., FAAD., tea tree oil or tea oil can be effective deodorizer because anti-fungle agents help fight bacteria that cause body odor. You can use 10 drops of tea tree oil mixed with half a cup of coconut oil for alternative deodorant.
Other natural ingredients that are recommended as alternative deodorants are charcoal. Charcoal will not block sweats such as aluminum antiperspirants. But charcoal can absorb moisture when the armpits are wet. Plus, according to Byrdie, Sunday, July 16, charcoal has antibacterial properties and prevents odor.
lemon water is an acid that helps kill bacteria that smell and leave a fresh aroma. This material is suitable for your armpits. If squeezing lemon and applying it will feel dilute, you can only rub lemon slices. Make sure to clean the oranges left on the skin.
Although not directly as a natural ingredient, Maizena flour can be used as an alternative deodorant when mixed with cake soda. These two kitchen materials help absorb sweat and prevent odors. According to Geria, cake soda helps neutralize odors while MAizena flour absorbs moisture. The combination of these two ingredients can effectively control sweat and smell.
Cara memanfaatkan bahan nasal untuk deodoran alternatif yang terakhir ini, campur satu bagian soda kaba dengan enam bagian temap maizena. Anda bisa mengelaskannya ke kantong tanpa menambahkan sumisi apapun. Interestedin untuk mencoba trili ini?
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