JAKARTA - Amber Heard assured that no one could stop her career even though she received blasphemy against her ex-husband, Johnny Depp. Amber Heard recently appeared at the Taormina film festival in Sisily to promote her new film, In The Fire.
He explained that his involvement in acting in the film In The Fire was not because of money but because of his passion for acting. The promotion of this film was stopped after the actress lost to Johnny Depp due to a defamation case in a newspaper.
"You do it because you love the story, you love the people, and you want to be a part of the experience and feel something other people feel," Amber Heard quoted Deadline as saying.
The actress also felt undaunted by the blasphemy she received after her defeat to Johnny Depp.
"The big thing that I'm a student for is that I can't control the stories that other people make around me. This is something I appreciate. Now I don't want to be thrown too often with 'rock'," he said.
"I'm here to support the film. And it's not something that can sue me," Heard explained.
He also did not feel afraid or worried that his career would stop. All the cases he faced in the past were not something he thought.
"What I've been through, I'm going through, not the one who formed my whole career. And (the trial) didn't stop my career," he continued.
Amber Heard's latest film, In The Fire tells the story of a 38-year-old psychiatrist who was asked to solve a case about a child in Columbia in the 1890s. A psychiatrist named Grace (Heard) realizes she is faced with science against religion where a priest believes the child is possessed by a demon.
Last year, Johnny Depp sued Amber Heard for an article he wrote in 2018. Heard called Depp a wife beater.
After a six-week trial, Depp was found innocent but found guilty in one charge. Both had to pay the loss and Heard found it difficult to resolve the case because he had to pay a million dollars.
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