YOGYAKARTA Many bird species can be used as pets at home. But from all species, not all are easy to maintain. For that, you need to be selective in choosing those whose treatment is not complicated and can coexist with the following types of pets below.
A ticketed bird is a bird that is easy to care for and tends to be attractive to look at. Poor species are also calming tweets. But these birds should not be removed from the cage and not an active species. If you decide a ticket bird to keep, get two birds to accompany each other.
Merpati is known for its sweet and gentle behavior. Unlike hard-paced parrots, pigeons rarely bite or spoil with their beaks. You need to complete your midfield accessories with mirrors and swing to increase your activity and occasionally need to be given time out to fly freely out of the sky to interact.
Lovebird is one of the smallest species of beo. These small, colorful birds are intelligent. This type of bird is ideal for children who live in apartments or condominiums. Lovebird has a life expectancy of 10 to 20 years reported by The Spruce Pets, Wednesday, June 7.
Budgie, or parkite, is a colorful small bird from Australia that is fun for bird lovers. These animals can tolerate handling quite well, are relatively easy to care for, and can even learn to speak. They have a soft personality and are often strongly tied to their owners, making them extraordinary friends for bird lovers. PANTs have shorter life expectancy from seven to 15 years.
Parkitul sebenarnya adalah burung beo kecil yang cukup mudah perawatannya. Bahkan anak-anak yang tertarik dengan merawat pet, bisa memilih Parkit kiosk sebagai alternatif. Semakan sering mendengar kata-kata secara verbal di sekitar pendang, semakin mungkin burung ini menangkap dan memilih kata-kata tersebut. Parkit sekoati memiliki harapan hidup 20 hingga 30 tahun.
Cockatiel is bigger than a ticket and a parkite, but they are still one of the best pets. These birds can learn to talk, listen to them, and do tricks. Cockatiel fits into older kids who can devote time to interacting with them. They enjoy their time outside the cage, so they need to be cleaned more often
Those are the six types of pet birds that are easy to care for. Are you and your baby interested in keeping one of them?
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