
YOGYAKARTA If you smile easily, it is likely to have a good mood. But it is important to recognize, according to research, there are three types of smiles. First, a smile that shows consent, happiness, satisfaction, and positive feelings.

The second type of smile, is intended to communicate positive intentions, such as trust, feelings of belonging, affection, and social relationships. The third type of smile, is somewhat different. Because the smile is intended to convey superiority, disgust, and insults that are shown to increase the stress hormone in people who are the targets. Which type of smile do you often smile at in your environment? Experts share explanations about what are the benefits of smiling for your health to your mood, here's the list.

A study found that sincere and intense smiles were associated with longer life. Happy people seem to enjoy a smile because it maintains a happy and positive mood.

Your schedule is so busy, so there are times when you need to spend time playing shows that make you laugh. The reason is, smiling helps you prevent fatigue, get overwhelmed, and reduce stress.

Smiling, as described above, can help make you feel happy. One time when you feel sad, try smiling. Most likely the mood will change for the better, explains therapist Amy Morin, LSCW., reported by VerywellMind, Sunday, May 28. He added, smiling triggers the release of dopamine and serotonin, so that the mood increases. Therefore, smiling is often considered a natural antidepressant.

Smiling can be contagious, so that it can create a pleasant mood for people around you. Research proves that smile is actually contagious. When you see people laughing and smiling, the brain automatically pays attention to and interprets other people's facial expressions. That way it doesn't rule out the possibility that you will imitate these expressions.

Smiling can also improve overall health by helping the immune system function effectively. Immunity will function properly, when you are in a relaxed state. So, in addition to relaxing you, laughing is also beneficial for your immune system.

Smiling is beneficial for your blood pressure. In particular, it seems useful to lower blood pressure after causing an early increase when the heart rate and breathing are faster. Although smiling is shown to lower heart rate when facing stress, the benefits of smiling to lower blood pressure need further research. This is related to how and what factors smile can reduce blood pressure.

Research has shown that smiling releases endorphins, pain relievers, and serotonin. These brain chemicals make us feel comfortable from head to toe. Smiling is considered a natural medicine.

Morin recommends a simple test, try to think of something negative without losing a smile. This will be difficult unless you smile with a positive feeling. Even though it feels unnatural or forced, it sends a message to your brain and whole body.

In addition to the eight benefits of smiling above, if you want to achieve success and increase confidence, smile.

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