
JAKARTA - Cakra Khan was recently known to audition for America's Got Talent for the 18th season. His participation in the talent search event in the United States was recognized as a lesson in his music career.

The Sundanese singer had no problem if he had to be eliminated in the audition round. For him, it's enough to appear, because what he hopes is to be able to learn new things.

"A new lesson for me because I followed along while studying too. To qualify or not, I haven't thought about going there, the important thing is that I can perform," said Cakra Khan in Tendean, South Jakarta on Tuesday, May 9.

"So just ask for prayers, because the name is also a race, losing a win is normal. If I am here myself, it's normal like that. The most important thing is that I take lessons from new people," he continued.

The singer of 'Shayang Shadow' also shared his experience of being able to audition for America's Got Talent. At first Cakra was hesitant because he was still busy with his activities in the country.

But seeing the opportunity, he tried to discuss it with the label who signed him. In the end, the label allows him to take part in the talent search event.

"I was indeed tired at first, in the past I often participated in competitions in Indonesia. I was offered this thinking too, at first there was an approach to my manager," he said.

"I consulted the label because as far as I know there is a contract or competition, while I have a contract with a label. So I don't want any mistakes. After I chatted and the discussion was finally allowed," he continued.

Furthermore, Cakra Khan said that the results of America's Got Talent will be announced in the near future, after the entire audition process is broadcast on television stations.

"Anyway, starting at the end of this month, they will inform you about the decision later. So, all the auditions will be broadcast first, going to the next round they will generalize," concluded Cakra Khan.

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