
JAKARTA - Ivan Gunawan came to share the good news. He recently inaugurated a mosque built in Uganda. He named this mosque the Indonesian Mosque which was announced through social media.

"Bismillahirrahmanirrahim with the permission of ALLAH SWT the Indonesian mosque in UGANDA has been inaugurated ... hopefully it can be used properly & maintained," wrote Ivan Gunawan today, Wednesday, February 1.

Not alone, Ivan Gunawan was assisted by several colleagues in Uganda from designing to constructing. Through his social media, the presenter also gave a message for Indonesians who are in Uganda to take the time to visit this mosque.

"Friends, if you stop by in Uganda, don't forget to stop by an Indonesian mosque," he said again.

Even though it has just been established, this mosque is already crowded with local people. The video shared by Igun shows how many people have prayed at Indonesian mosques.

This post also invites appreciation from the public and fellow artists.

"Masha Allah Tabarakallah Ivan," wrote Fitri Carlina.

"Masha Allah, I hope the reward will be abundant, Igun," wrote Kiki Farrell.

“Masha Allah, I am touched to the point of getting goosebumps seeing this. I hope that the fortune will continue, Igun," said the netizen.

"Masha Allah. God willing, it will be a savings in the hereafter, Igun. I hope you are always healthy," said another netizen.

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