
YOGYAKARTA The development of the times that are increasingly advancing opens up various job opportunities for women in Indonesia. In fact, various jobs with high salaries for women have begun to emerge

Although the availability of work is not much, the following job prospects can be filled by those of you who plan to pursue a career from the start.

The following list of jobs comes from various fields such as health, law, mining, business, and much more. Some of the large-paid jobs suitable for women are as follows.

Aesthetic doctor is a doctor whose specialty is related to skin appearance through various procedures. This profession is better known as a beauty doctor. To become a beauty doctor, you can take education as a doctor and take concentration in the beauty field. This profession is perfect for women and is expected to be a profession that is very much needed in the future. The salaries of aesthetic doctors in Indonesia are also diverse. Quoted from various sources, the salary for junior aesthetic doctors can reach Rp. 8 million per month.

Currently, not many women fill the profession related to psychology. A female psychologist is estimated to be much needed considering that public awareness in maintaining mental health in the future is starting to grow. On the other hand, the profession as a female psychologist is not widely available. Psychologist salaries themselves are usually used per session or per hour, which is IDR 400 thousand.

Professionals related to marketing or product sales are expected to be increasingly needed, especially if you are a woman. The reason is, the marketing manager profession recruits a lot of women because they are considered more attractive and able to attract the market well. This condition is reinforced by the increasing number of companies selling their products in Indonesia which are known as one of the countries with the largest market. The salary of a female marketing manager per month can reach IDR 19 million, depending on what products the company sells and the company where they work.

In the field of technology, women can contribute to enlivening this industry. One profession that is estimated to be suitable for women and will be very much needed in the future is software developer. This profession is tasked with designing to create a computer program. In Indonesia, women's developer software is still very low so that job opportunities are still wide open. Salaries that can be obtained by developer software can reach IDR 15 million per month.

Head of Finance or Head of Finance is a profession related to finance. A financial head is tasked with supervising and evaluating matters relating to the financial sector. In Indonesia, this profession is closely attached to the figure of the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani. Meanwhile, the salary of the Head of Finance can reach Rp110 million per month.

Women can contribute to advancing the mining sector in Indonesia. Moreover, Indonesia is a country that has many natural resources such as coal, nickel, and so on. You can pursue a career in mining and earn a large salary every month.

That's information related to work with a high salary for women in Indonesia. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.

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