
JAKARTA - The relationship between Fuji and Tariq Halilintar is allegedly not getting the blessing of the Halilintar family. Even though it is close, Fuji has never met Tariq's parents and their brothers.

Even so, Tariq's belief that Fuji is his future wife never wavers. If in 2022, Haji Faisal still doubts to give his blessing, this year Fuji's father gave Tariq the green light to marry his only daughter.

He admitted that he allowed his son to marry Tariq if they really matched. "If they match, I'm ready and don't mind it," said Haji Faisal on YouTube Trans7 Official, quoted Monday, January 9.

Not only from Haji Faisal, Fuji has also obtained marriage permits from his two brothers, Frans and Fadly. Fuji's marriage has been discussed in their family.

"I have spoken and they (Frans and Fadly) agreed," he said.

Furthermore, Haji Faisal admitted that there was no problem if Thariq Halilintar's parents and family were not present at the wedding. The most important thing for Haji Faisal is that the conditions for his marriage are fulfilled.

"It doesn't matter. The most important thing is that the conditions are sufficient," concluded Haji Faisal.

As is known, Fuji and Tariq Halilintar's romance is indeed busy rumored not to have the blessing of Gen Halilintar. This is because until now Fuji has not met Tariq's parents and their brothers.

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