
JAKARTA - Goat meat, coffee, and durian are believed by the public to cause high blood pressure, right? Neurologist at Harapan Kita National Heart Center, dr. Eka Harmeiwaty, Sp.S said that further scientific research is needed on goat meat, durian and coffee as causes of hypertension.

"Do goat meat, durian cause hypertension? If goat meat causes hypertension, why do Arabs who eat goat meat don't have hypertension, it still needs research," said dr. Eka said, quoted from ANTARA, Tuesday, September 6.

According to dr. Eka, goat meat also cannot be associated as a cause of hypertension. So far there have been no scientific journals that have conducted research on Indonesians that consumption of goat meat can increase blood pressure.

As for coffee, the Mayo Clinic confirms that the safe limit for caffeine consumption for adults is 400 milligrams or four cups of coffee per day.

However, dr. Eka said that this is different for each person. In some people, there are those who consume a cup of coffee immediately make their heart palpitate, and not a few are able to consume more than four cups of coffee a day.

The increase in blood pressure when drinking coffee is only temporary. According to dr. Eka, blood pressure will drop again when the effects of caffeine begin to disappear from the body.

"When the palpitations usually go up, the tension goes up. After the effects of caffeine aren't there, it will be normal again, but that's if he's not hypertensive," said dr. Eka.

Hypertension has many causes, one of which is high salt consumption and low potassium intake. When a person consumes salty food in excess, his blood pressure will immediately increase.

Race also affects a person's blood pressure. Asian people are considered more sensitive to salt than Europeans and Americans, even the WHO health organization recommends lower salt consumption.

"Foods that can cause sudden high blood pressure are salty foods. Asians are very sensitive to salt, this is due to genetic and racial factors. One more thing that can cause hypertension is low potassium consumption," said dr. Eka.

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