
JAKARTA - Overthinking or using too much time to think about something to interfere with life can cause a person to experience stress and depression.

"Overthinking is a mental health problem? Yes, because it can have many effects on productivity, a sense of self-worth. If you continue to care for it, it will lead to stress and depression," said psychologist Indah Sundari Jayanti in a health talk in Jakarta, Antara, Thursday, 25 August.

According to Indah, people often think about things they don't really need to think about at the moment, causing them to overthink.

She then said, mental conditions are closely related to physical, so that when a person experiences certain stress conditions, the automatic reaction is not only psychological but also physical.

Speaking of stress, Indah suggests that people understand their condition. If they still have enough energy, a positive mood, and feel that what they are facing is a priority, then face it.

"But if it's not a priority, it's not in the mood, the energy has run out, take a break first. Because often stress conditions arise because we are too forced to do something beyond our capacity," she said.

Regarding how to overcome overthinking, German psychotherapist Reuben Berger, as quoted from DW, recommends people immediately stop the negative thoughts that arise. According to him, say "no" to yourself.

"When negative thoughts come, you say to yourself: 'Stop!, this is more effective when you actually say the word out loud," he says.

Berger says the main idea is to condition yourself to stop the cycle of worrying, such as making predictions about the future or reflecting on past events that lead to overthinking.

According to him, this method can take up to two weeks to be implemented and needs to be practiced every day.

"Consistency is very important," Berger said.

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