
YOGYAKARTA – When fasting, Muslims need to withstand thirst and hunger from sunrise to sunset. That means for those of you who have to take medication regularly, you need to know the most appropriate time.

Quoting the Indonesian Ministry of Health's page, this is the recommendation to take medicine while fasting during Ramadan.

1. Drink at dawn or iftar

If the prescription drug is taken once a day, you can take the drug at dawn or iftar. You can choose one of these times so that it doesn't break your fast and your health is maintained.

2. Drink at dawn and iftar

Unlike before, if the medicine has to be taken twice a day, it can be taken at iftar and suhoor. After breaking the fast, you can take the first and second medicine before entering the time of imsak.

3. Give a distance every 5 hours between iftar and suhoor

No need to worry, for those of you who have to take medicine three times a day. According to the recommendation of the Ministry of Health, you can give a distance of every 5 hours in taking medication. The distance is calculated from starting to break the fast until dawn. The drug can be taken at 18.00 p.m., 23.00 p.m., and 04.00 a.m.

4. Give distance 30 minutes before a big meal

Some types of drugs, prescribed to be taken before a large meal. Well, you can get around this by taking medicine before eating at iftar and suhoor with a distance of 30 minutes.

5. Give distance 5-10 minutes after eating

If the drug must be taken after meals, give a gap of about 5-10 minutes. You can practice this suggestion according to the recipe given.

The last recommendation, for drugs that must be taken more than 3 times a day means that they need to be taken every 6-8 hours. For those of you who are prescribed this medicine, it is not possible to fast. Especially for those who have to take antibiotics or other types of drugs from a doctor. For that, consult a doctor or expert in order to get the most appropriate solution.

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