
YOGYAKARTA – Simple things, like happiness, can be felt in an uncomplicated way. But people continue to be stuck in a pattern of behavior that is never satisfied with what has been achieved.

According to Wilton-based cognitive psychotherapist and anxiety specialist Niro Feliciano, LSCW., happiness on the one hand can be very difficult to understand. Because culture defines experience as centered on achievement, acquisition, and the ability to continuously improve oneself.

Feliciano added again, a definitive type of happiness is difficult to maintain because of its inconsistent nature. While on the other hand, there is happiness that is not based on gain or achievement, namely appreciation or satisfaction. In short, explains Feliciano, being content with who you are, where you are, and what you have can be a path to happiness.

Based on Feliciano's experience in the therapy room, he found four reasons why many people find it difficult to feel happy. Here's what they often do until it becomes a bad habit that distances emotional well-being.

bahagia itu sederhana
Happy illustration is simple (Unsplash/Eye for Ebony)

1. Keep comparing yourself

Comparing yourself can steal your happiness little by little until nothing remains. A person will never be satisfied with what he does every day if he constantly sees it through the lens of other people's experiences. Comparisons, Feliciano found, breed dissatisfaction. A person will feel 'less than' so it is never enough.

2. Irresponsible and blaming others

Error and responsibility are a perfect match. When you do something wrong, admit it with responsibility. A person who cannot contribute to responsibility but instead blames the situation and even others, can trigger situations that make them unhappy.

3. Refuse acceptance

Accepting yourself, including every difficult situation you've been through, can lighten a heavy load. Many of Feliciano's clients do not have easy access to admissions. The questions 'why did this happen to me' to 'why do I have to suffer so much' haunted me.

The question will not find an adequate answer. That means, suggested Feliciano, change the perception so that the question 'how can I progress' will get more realistic answers.

4. Easily distracted and unfocused

Diverting the mind to things that are not essential causes higher anxiety. Instead of thinking about other things, it is better to fully pay attention to what you want to get done. For those of you who often do many things at one time, make a plan so that you can do one at a time with focus.

Those are the four things according to Feliciano that make a person unhappy. If it is part of your habit, change your perception little by little to be more satisfied with what you have achieved.

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