
JAKARTA - Metal music group Voice of Baceprot (VoB) is preparing to release a new single to celebrate International Women's Day which falls today, Tuesday, March 8. VoB's vocalist, Marsya, said that the new single is entitled "Not Public Property" with the theme of the women's movement.

"We performed the song while on tour, but we haven't talked about this song too much because it hasn't been officially released yet. We hope this can inspire women to ignite more courage," Marsya said as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, March 8.

However, Marsya has not been able to provide more detailed information regarding the new song that will be released. "What the details will be, we will share them on our social media," she said.

Marsya continued, the release of the song will be followed by a movement involving female figures to support other women to dare to speak up and show themselves.

"We are also working with Women of the World and figures in Indonesia as well. Details will be announced on Instagram VoB," she added.

Regarding International Women's Day, Marsya said that every woman has great potential and only needs courage to show it.

"The most important thing is how women realize that potential is in themselves. We must support them to build the courage to show it," concluded Marsya.

Voice of Baceprot is a female metal band from Garut, West Java, consisting of Marsya, Widi, and Sitti. In late 2021, they performed in Brussels, Belgium, on the "Fight Dream Believe: European Tour 2021" tour.

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