JAKARTA - Minister of Population and Family Development/Head of BKKBN Dr. Wihaji, S.Ag., M.Pd held a discussion with the Chief Editor of Mass Media at the Ministry of Education and Culture/BKKBN Office, Jakarta on Tuesday (18/03/2025).
In his remarks he explained about the Quick Wins of the Ministry of Education and Culture/BKKBN, one of which was the Stunting Child Care Parental Movement (GENTING).
"The spirit is only one, I believe I saved 1 human being the same as saving 1 generation with the GENTING movement," said Minister Wihaji in his remarks.
In addition, he stated that Generation Z (Gen Z) and the productive Millennial Generation could be opportunities to accelerate economic growth in order to optimize the demographic bonus that is now being experienced by Indonesia.
There are 70.72% of Indonesia's population at a productive age of 14-65 years (according to SP20 data) called Demographic Bonus. Of the 70.72% earlier, it consists of 68.62% aged 15-64 years. From there the millennial 25.87%, then the GenZ 27.94%," he explained.
According to Minister Wihaji, determining factors for the success of the demographic bonus include building Human Resources through education and health, increasing labor productivity, especially increasing women's participation in the job market, creating jobs to accommodate the number of productive age populations, building entrepreneurial spirit among youth that can create jobs as well, and consistently reducing birth rates and controlling population growth.
"We make sure that those who are of productive age must be of high quality. That is our task, the Ministry of Population and Family Development whose duties are 3 (three), creating an independent, peaceful and happy society that is an indicator of quality society or residents," added Minister Wihaji.
Then according to him, how should women's participation in the labor market be increased by making the Tamasya (Taman Asuh Sayang Anak) program. Furthermore, the third government must create as many jobs as possible.
He also explained that the next step is to control the birth rate which we call family planning (KB) through the use of contraceptives.
In optimizing the Demographic Bonus, the concrete steps taken by the Ministry of Education and Culture/BKKBN with 5 acceleration programs or the first Quick Wins are the movement of foster parents to prevent stunting (Genting); secondly, child care parks (Tamasya) are by providing superior daycare; thirdly, the Indonesian model father's movement (Gati). The fourth program is a super-based application of imitation (AI) that serves family consultations: while the fifth, namely SIDAYA or empowered elderly, provides community-based services for the elderly who do not receive treatment by their children.
Minister of Population and Family Development Dr. Wihaji together with staff and leaders and representatives of mass media editors (Doc. BKKBN)
During the meeting, Minister Wihaji also realized the important role of the mass media in the dissemination of population information and family development. He hopes that fellow Editor-in-Chiefs can continue to assist the Ministry of Education and Culture/BKKBN in reporting family development programs, population and family planning (Bangga Kencana), as well as Quick Wins of the Ministry of Culture/BKKBN and become a source of reliable and accurate information for the Indonesian people.
The gathering of the Chief Editor of Mass Media with the Minister of Education and Culture/Head of BKKBN was attended by dozens of editors of the mass media and Middle High Leaders in the Ministry of Education and Culture/BKKBN.
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