JAKARTA - The manager of the Cikopo-Palimanan Toll Road (Astra Tol Cipali) noted that as many as 15 thousand vehicles had crossed the toll road from Jakarta to Cirebon, West Java, until 12.00 WIB on Saturday, March 22.
Entering the Lebaran homecoming season, the traffic flow on the Cipali Toll Road today has increased by 40.6 percent compared to the same period the day before," said Sustainability Management & Corporate Communications Dept. Head of Cipali Toll Road Ardam Rafif Trisilo, in Cirebon, quoted by Antara.
He said the increase in vehicle volume was an early indication of increased community mobility, which traveled back and forth via the Cipali Toll Road this weekend.
Ardam said that the flow of vehicles traveling in the opposite direction, namely from Cikopo to Jakarta, had also increased.
Until this afternoon, he said, there were around 10 thousand vehicles passing by or up 12.4 percent compared to the previous day.
His party predicts that the spike in traffic will continue until the evening. Overall, the total number of vehicles passing on the Cipali Toll Road this Saturday is estimated at 90 thousand units.
"Our prediction is that today the total volume of vehicles increased by 36.3 percent compared to last Friday, which recorded 66,000 passing vehicles," said Ardam.
Responding to this surge in traffic, he appealed to road users to ensure the condition of the vehicle is in prime condition before traveling.
In addition, his party also reminded drivers to maintain focus, regulate speed according to the specified limits, and maintain a safe distance between vehicles for driving safety.
The toll road manager has deployed additional officers at several strategic points to anticipate traffic congestion.
He conveyed that along with the increasing volume of vehicles, his party invited road users to remain vigilant and follow the directions of officers in the field to avoid potential accidents or travel barriers.
"We continue to coordinate with the police and related agencies to ensure traffic flows remain smooth," said Ardam.
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