
JAKARTA - PT Perkebunan Mitra Ogan (PTPMO) is committed to fulfilling the rights of employees which are still pending. A number of steps to increase funding and the company's performance have been prepared by the company.

PTPMO Corporate Secretary Mahmud Riyad, Monday, April 22, in Palembang, said that currently his party is focusing on making various efforts to ensure that the rights of employees that are still delayed are fulfilled.

"We as the management are fully committed to fulfilling the rights of employees. Related to this, we also convey to all employees to stay together with the company, support and encourage performance improvement, so that companies can obtain optimal production and income," he said.

According to him, a number of positive steps have now been taken by PTPMO to fulfill employee rights, including optimizing garden repairs as well as revenue from local partners through the payment mechanism for depositing money in front to finance crop maintenance operations, and harvesting fruit bunch transportation (FFB).

"One of the steps that have been taken is to establish a CPO (crude palm oil) buying and selling cooperation with partners, so that PTPMO gets a down payment for the purchase of FFB for PKS (Kelapa Sawit Factory) operations," he explained.

Mahmud said cooperation with local partners and vendors is very important for the sustainability of the company's business. For this reason, management continues to strive to improve the portfolio of cooperation with these parties.

"Collaboration with local partners and vendors in oil palm land maintenance and CPO production is one of the quick solutions that we continue to encourage. For this reason, we continue to actively invite self-help partners and local vendors to improve the company's performance. In the future there will be opportunities to cooperate with local BUMDes for plantation management partnerships," he explained.

Some of these things are expected to contribute to strengthening the company's performance and sustainability which has a direct impact on the company's gradual production and finance improvements.

For long-term solutions, he added, management focused on replanting plans and factory rejuvenation through operational cooperation (KSO) with PTPN 3. This was discussed in a management meeting last March. The discussion was followed up with the signing of the NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) and a time schedule for the KSO Replanting stage was made.

"For replanting, we carried out KSO replanting with Sub Holding Palmco (PTPN IV). In the early stages, we focused on land 5,435 ha. We carried out in stages so that the area could continue to grow. The implementation of this replanting is also part of the commitment to improve the company's performance in line with employee aspirations," he explained.

Meanwhile, related to rejuvenation and optimization of factories, several improvements were made.

"For the smooth operation, processing has been repaired by alternator turbines and repairs will be made to talud/plengsengan transfer cars," he said.

It is hoped that this can improve and maximize factory utilities.

"Untuk meningkatkan utilitas pabrik PTPMO juga telah dilakukan pengolahan TBS Inti ditambah dengan TBS pihak ketiga agar utilitas pabrik dapat dimaksi. Selanjutnya yang tidak kalah penting adalah melakukan pengawasan, pengawasan, dan evaluasi terhadap kerja sama perawatan tanaman dan penggek produksi di kebun, serta produksi di pabrik kelapat sawit. Selain itu, pembenahan dari sisi manajemen keuangan juga terus kita lakukan, seperti mendorong efeksi khususnya yang terkait dengan biaya tetap, ujarnya.

Furthermore, Mahmud conveyed that his party respects the steps taken by employees, represented by the Workers' Union, to convey aspirations related to the fulfillment of pending rights, this Monday, at Ogan Komering Ulu, South Sumatra.

"We respect this step. However, we invite and embrace all employees to jointly strengthen solidity in improving the company's performance. Management will continue to accompany all employees in facing this challenge and always be ready to dialogue in order to find solutions," he said.

Mahmud also invited Trade Unions and employees to continue working and jointly oversee the business processes run by the company, so that improvement efforts that are currently being carried out can produce production and income according to the target.

"The company will seriously follow up on employee aspirations related to the fulfillment of rights and improvement of performance through replanting, including by continuing to communicate further with shareholders," he explained.

Meanwhile, PTPMO is a company engaged in oil palm plantations and processing palm oil into crude palm oil/CPO and kernel palm/palm kernel (PK) cores. PTPMO has 2 (two) units of Palm Oil Factory (PKS) in the South Sumatra region, with a capacity of 90 tons/hour.

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