JAKARTA - In the digital era like now, rumors about cyber attacks often spread faster than fact. This can cause unnecessary panic and harm to businesses.
As the leading IT security company in Indonesia, PT ITSEC Asia Tbk said that cybercriminals would take advantage of this panic situation to blackmail their victims.
"Ransomware attacks are indeed a serious threat, but misinformation about cyber attacks can be as dangerous. This can distract from real threats and cause confusion," said Joseph Lumban Gaol, President Director of PT ITSEC Asia Tbk in a written statement.
To help people deal with this problem, PT ITSEC Asia Tbk provides some important tips:
To increase public awareness, PT ITSEC Asia Tbk launched the #BeCyberAware campaign. The campaign provides educational information about how to recognize fake news, understand the threat of ransomware, and build better security strategies.
Cybersecurity is not only the responsibility of one party. By working together, we can keep our business safe from threats and misinformation," concluded Joseph.
Photo: Illustration of cyberattacks (photo: Pexels)
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