
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) predicts that there are five provinces that are the largest destinations for the 2023 Christmas and 2024 New Year (Nataru) holidays.

One of them is East Java, where it is predicted that 16.34 million people travel to the province.

This prediction is the result of a study conducted by the Transportation Policy Agency (BKT) regarding the potential movement of the community during the Nataru Nataru holiday.

Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi said that it is predicted that there will be a potential for community movement to reach 107.63 million people during the Nataru holiday period.

The number of movements reached 39.83 percent of the total national population.

"During the Nataru holiday last year, it was predicted that 44.17 million people will move, while this year it is predicted that 107.63 million people will be. So the increase is very significant above one hundred percent (143.65 percent)," he said in an official statement, Jakarta, Monday, November 20.

Budi said, based on the survey results, there were five largest destinations, namely, first, East Java.

It is predicted that 15.18 percent or 16.34 million people will travel to this province.

Then, Central Java as many as 13.80 percent or 14.86 million people. Then, West Java as many as 11.62 percent or 12.51 million people. Jabodetabek as many as 9.19 percent or 9.89 million people and DI Yogyakarta as many as 8.92 percent or 9.60 million people," he said.

Furthermore, Budi said, the five largest areas from the origin of the movement were East Java as many as 16.30 percent or 17.54 million people.

Then, Jabodetabek was 13.76 percent or 14.81 million people.

Furthermore, continued Budi, Central Java as many as 13.21 percent or 14.22 million people.

Then, West Java as many as 10.39 percent or 11.18 million people and North Sumatra as many as 6.93 percent or 7.45 million people.

"According to the survey results, the reason people travel during the Nataru holiday period, the highest is a vacation to tourist sites of 45.29 percent. Then the holiday to return to their hometown is 30.15 percent and celebrates Nataru in their hometown as much as 18.98 percent," he said.

The modes of transportation used are dominated by the use of private vehicles, namely cars as many as 35.57 percent or 39.97 million people, and motorbikes as many as 17.92 percent or 20.14 million people.

"As for public transportation, movement is dominated by rail modes of 13.16 percent or 14.79 million people. Then, 11.91 percent aircraft or 13.38 million people. Then, buses as many as 10.94 percent or 12.29 million people. Crossing ships as many as 6.04 percent or 6.78 million people and ships as many as 3.44 percent or 3.86 million people," he said.

The Ministry of Transportation also predicts that the peak of vehicle departures during the 2023 Christmas holiday will occur on December 23, 2023.

Meanwhile, the peak of departures during the 2024 New Year holiday will occur on December 30.

This prediction is the result of a study conducted by the Transportation Policy Agency (BKT) regarding the potential movement of the community during the Nataru holiday.

"The peak of the leaving flow or departure is predicted to occur on Saturday, December 23, 2023, 11.62 percent or 12.5 million people. Saturday, December 30, 2023 11.43 percent or 12.31 million people and Friday 22 December 2023 8.22 percent or 8.85 million people," said Budi Karya.

Meanwhile, the peak of backflow is predicted to occur on Tuesday, January 2, 2024. Where on that day as many as 20.41 million people or 18.96 percent made movements.

Meanwhile, on Monday, January 1, 2024, there were 16.92 percent or 18.21 million people and Tuesday, December 26, 2023, 11.16 percent or 12.01 million people.

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