
The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) formed the People's Atsiri Oil Industry Center (PIMAR) to support the performance of the atsiri oil processing industry so that it can be competitive in the domestic and global arenas.

PIMAR is an industrial growth virtual institutional ecosystem that provides basic industrial growth services in a co-sharing manner.

"We continue to support efforts to explore innovation, formulation, recipe, and/or create a variety of new types of downstream products of atsiri oil that will enrich the nation's cultural treasures as well as open up opportunities for developing the downstream industrial of atsiri oil," said Director General of Agro Industry of the Ministry of Industry Putu Juli Ardika in a written statement received by VOI, Tuesday, November 7.

PIMAR acts as the provision of joint production facilities, business incubation and start-up manufacturing services, provision of raw materials/production factors, quality assurance service centers, product promotion and marketing, as well as innovation/forum/recipe documentation services to become intellectual property recognized by national law.

Putu said, PIMAR will begin to be formed in early 2024 as a center for production service providers (co-working industrial space) and atsiri oil downstream product marketing centers, such as aromatherapy, flavor, fragrance, cosmetics, and wellness products.

"The PIMAR operation is also supported by the continuity of the quality supply of raw materials from the raw atsiri oil quality testing service by the Industrial Center within the Ministry of Industry. In addition, PIMAR will also be supported by the availability of competent human resources for chemical analysts from several vocational school graduates belonging to the Ministry of Industry," he said.

Atsiri oil is the main raw material for downstream industries, such as aromatheraphy, flavour, fragrance, cosmetics, and wellness products that are used as public consumption products and/or become auxiliary materials for other industries.

It is known, the number of exports of Indonesian atsiri oil products throughout 2022 reached 172.9 million US dollars.

The five main destination countries for the export of Indonesian atsiri oil commodities, namely the United States, India, France, China, and Spain.

According to Putu, with a population of more than 270 million people, Indonesia is a potential and strategic market to optimize the use of various products derived by atsiri oil.

"The formation and operation of PIMAR is expected as a new center for the advantage of the national downstream oil atsiri industry," he concluded.

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