
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) gave appreciation in the form of program assistance worth IDR 5 billion for six cities/districts that have succeeded in carrying out sustainable conservation of heritage cities or cultural heritage in their area.

"So, I think with the assessment of sustainable cities and the management of good Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle (TPS3R) Waste Management Sites, I would like to once again give appreciation of not only Rp. 3 billion, but Rp. 5 billion each," Basuki said at the peak commemoration of World Habitat Day and World City Day 2023 at the PUPR Ministry Building, Jakarta, Monday, October 30.

He added, to maintain an heirloom city requires great costs, but because the local government (Pemda) has the will to preserve heirloom cities in a sustainable manner, the Ministry of PUPR also helps.

For example, the cultural heritage of Pendem Fort in Ngawi, East Java, if it is not maintained and preserved, there will be damage.

If the local government carries out proper maintenance, the PUPR ministry will provide assistance in the form of programs for the development and maintenance of heirloom cities.

Basuki emphasized that the program assistance provided by the Ministry of PUPR is a development program in Cipta Karya for 2024, not in the form of money.

"But it is a program, not money. Development programs at the Directorate General of Human Settlements in 2024, use the money to be able to preserve what the mother (Pemda) wants," he said.

The six (6) cities/districts that have succeeded in carrying out sustainable conservation are Semarang City (Central Java), Tanjungpinang City (Riau Islands), Singkawang City (West Kalimantan).

Then, Ternate City (North Maluku), Sawahlunto City (West Sumatra), and Siak Regency (Riau).

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