
JAKARTA - In October's momentum as the Month of Financial Inclusion, PT Stockbit Sekuritas Digital as a securities company for members of the Indonesia Stock Exchange participated in the Capital Market Summit & Expo 2023 activity. With the theme "I'm a Stock Investor: Pride, Inclusiveness, and Progress", this activity is a series of events to commemorate the 46th anniversary of the re-activation of the Indonesian capital market.

According to the President Director of the Indonesia Stock Exchange, Iman Rachman, the activity which was held on 26-28 October 2023 and took place on the Indonesia Stock Exchange united the education and financial inclusion side at the same time. In his opinion, the number of investors in the capital market which has touched 11.8 million investors deserves appreciation, but at the same time it still has great potential to be increased.

"We hope that this series of events will more invite people to invest in the capital market and for public companies to obtain alternative funding sources, as well as provide the public with the latest information about capital markets that are useful for investment decision making," said Iman, quoted Friday, October 27. Stockbit participation in the Capital Market Summit & Expo 2023 is a manifestation of the company's commitment to encouraging the public to understand, then using financial services correctly and responsibly. For three days, Stockbit opens a booth where participants and the public can directly ask Stockbit representatives face-to-face about the features in Stockbit, open customer funds accounts and start investing directly. President Director of PT Stockbit Sekuritas Digital, Megawati Andrew Soewardi, said, one of the biggest challenges preventing people from investing in the capital market is the lack of safe and comfortable aspects in their experiences.

"For this reason, in Stockbit we prioritize customer data security very much and present a simple UI/UX which is supported by sophisticated features so that people can start investing in stocks easily," said Megawati when filling in the CEO session of Talk Potensi Investor Retail Indonesia, What's the Attractiveness?. Megawati added, although Stockbit services have been used by people in more than 500 cities in Indonesia, Stockbit continues to strive to support increasing domestic investor participation in the capital market. One way is to provide a correct understanding of the capital market and its intricacies.

Stockbit has a Stockbit Academy that can be accessed for free by people who want to learn about stocks and capital markets. Until now, Stockbit Academy has had 13 learning modules, ranging from the Capital Market Basic, Understanding Financial Reports, Fundamental Analysis, Technical Analysis to analysis of certain sectors. "In the near future, we will soon inaugurate the Digital Investment Gallery which was formed thanks to the collaboration of the Indonesia Stock Exchange, PT Stockbit Sekuritas Digital, and partners engaged in the education technology sector. The formation of this Digital Investment Gallery is a testament to our commitment to educating the public and inviting more people to become capital market investors," concluded Megawati.

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