
JAKARTA - On the national holiday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW's birthday which fell on Thursday, September 28, the Damri General Company (Perum) recorded an increase in the number of ticket sales by 51 percent. This shows the high interest of the public to use land transportation services at that time.

According to Damri's Corporate Secretary, Chrystian RM Pohan, the customer's favorite route for interprovincial city transportation trips is from Jabodetabek to a number of destinations, such as East Java (Surabaya, Malang, and Banyuwangi), Central Java (Wonosbo, Purwokerto, and Solo), Yogyakarta, and Lampung.

"The high public interest in using Damri transportation services during the Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW holiday which is close to this weekend shows the high public confidence in safe and safe land transportation," said Pohan.

Data released by Damri shows that ticket sales for departures from Wednesday 27 September to Thursday 28 September reached 6,628 tickets, an increase of 56.1 percent compared to the previous week in the same period, which only reached 4,245 tickets. Damri estimates that ticket sales will continue to increase as ticket sales continue until Friday 29 September.

To support the mobility of customers who wish to travel using Damri during the national holiday period, the company has prepared 995 units of bus fleets that have gone through a series of checks to ensure feasibility and safety.

During the national holiday period, Damri also monitored and evaluated passenger movements at various points, including the Damri Kemayoran pool.

In addition, Damri appealed to all customers to order tickets online and offline through Damri Apps, online travel agents, or Damri's official marketing counter.

Pohan emphasized Damri's commitment to providing services that prioritize security and safety aspects so that customer travel feels safe and memorable.

"We are committed to always providing services that prioritize security and safety aspects, so that the trip feels safe and memorable," said Pohan.

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