JAKARTA - PT Finnet Indonesia (Finnet) which has been appointed by Peruri as the official distributor of e-materai this time in collaboration with PT Pos Indonesia. This can be used by prospective state civil servants/Civil Servants (CASN/CPNS) participants. This makes it easier for CASN participants to buy E-Materay.
"With Finnet's capabilities in the fintech industry and complete infrastructure, the Post Office is at the forefront of e-Materary sales. This can be used by CASN participants who are currently in the selection stage," said Dandit Hardiarto only SVP Telco & Digital Good Services Finnet (Finpay) in his official statement, Thursday, September 28.
PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) has renewed contracts with the Directorate General of Taxes to distribute and sell stamps in early 2023. In addition, PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) through PT Pos Finansial Indonesia has also obtained a permit to distribute and sell e-materai. So that both types of proof of document tax payments determined by the government are available at Pos Indonesia.
Sama halnya dengan meterai tempel, e-materai dapat dengan mudah diperoleh melalui Kantor Pos di seluruh Nusantara yang dapat dicari melalui https://www.posindonesia.co.id/id/direction. Bahkan pengguna dapat juga melakukan pembelian e-materai melalui aplikasi online Pospay, serta website resmi, https://ematerai.posfin.id.
The ease of access provided by PT Pos Indonesia for customers is none other than aimed at providing the best service for customers throughout the region so that people can save time, energy, and costs.
PT Pos Indonesia wants to participate in making a positive contribution in reducing the unemployment rate so that it is able to improve the nation's economy, by making the government's program a success in organizing the CASN selection. The provision of e-companiments by Pos Indonesia through the Post Office and Pospay, is expected to make it easier for applicants in determining the CASN selection requirements digitally. Buy e-materai immediately at the Post Office or Pospay for the completeness of your documents! The public in general is familiar with the stamps which are currently widely circulated worth IDR 10,000. However, with the development of technology, currently the seal has been present in digital form, known as e-materai.
As with the stamps, e-materai is also available in the same nominal. The existence of this e-materai aims to make it easier for users to put stamps on documents that require sealing, one of which is the file needed in the CASN selection process.
Like in carrying out job applicants, CASN registration needs to meet various requirements. In addition to the requirements that meet the required candidate qualifications, all applicants are also obliged to fulfill the complete filing requirements. The general requirements for filing needed in this CASN selection include the following; application certificates, diplomas, transcripts, KK, ID cards, photo fitting, to a statement letter.
The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)