
JAKARTA - The news that the TikTok Shop video application is in danger of being closed in Indonesia has attracted the attention of netizens.

Many support TikTok Shop being closed because it is considered a lot of harm, but many also refuse, because this platform has helped many economic activities for MSME players (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises).

The existence of TikTok in Indonesia is under threat because it is allegedly carrying out a business monopoly. They run two business platforms at once, namely e-commerce with social media.

A number of parties assess that the two platforms from TikTok can monopolize the business. The majority of netizens think that the existence of TikTok Shop in Indonesia is very good, because there are many benefits.

"Actually, I also don't agree that the tiktok shop is closed, right? The seller is also a small trader. This is a case similar to the base motorcycle taxi vs. online motorcycle taxi when it first appeared. There should be a way so that both types of traders can continue to exist," wrote a netizen named @AryadiPS in his personal Twitter column.

"Why are only tiktok shops being threatened with closure? So it is suspected that e-commerce is the rival who has an interest here," said the Twitter account @ilhamaliff.

"It shouldn't be a tiktok shop that is closed, but the famous artist is called high so that the small ones can start competing. Artists should just remember, when they are late they are looking for a new viral one again," said the account owner @mizanbaggio.

Meanwhile, regarding the issue that TikTok wants to close, the Director General of Information and Public Communication (Dirjen IKP) of the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemenkominfo), Usman Kansong, answered that there had been no talks that way.

"There has been no discussion yet, instead discussing with platforms one by one related to elections, how to participate in peaceful elections," he said in Jakarta, last week, Friday, September 8, 2023.

It was explained that the problem of closing the platform needed further arrangements. Regarding e-commerce, the business is with the Ministry of Trade (Kemendag). "No, for example, plans or discussing the closure of a platform.

"What is there is further regulation including the Regulation of the Minister of Trade (Permendag)," he said. Usman further explained that blocking the platform, closing it until taking down is a matter for the Ministry of Communication and Information. But the actions they take cannot be without recommendations.

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