
Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi revealed that the construction site of Very Import Person Airport (VVIP) in the capital city of Nusantara (IKN) North Penajam Paser Regency, East Kalimantan Province, has been determined and has reached the finalization stage of the image.

Budi said that in November construction will begin.

This was revealed by Budi after checking the airport construction site.

"We plan to start construction on November 1, 2023 and it is hoped that it will be completed in mid-July 2024," he said in an official statement, Friday, September 22.

He explained that IKN VVIP Airport has a runway of 3,000 times 45 meters and can accommodate large Boeing 777-300 ER and Airbus A380 aircraft.

The apron capacity is able to accommodate three large-body aircraft (Wide Body) plus one small-body aircraft (Narrow Body); or seven small-body aircraft (Narrow Body); and the helipad capacity accommodates three helicopters.

Some of the things that are noted by Mr. President Jokowi regarding VVIP Airport are combining elements of local and modern wisdom, and must be environmentally friendly. In building an airport, we don't need to cut and fill so that the surrounding mountains, lakes and nature are still well maintained," he said.

Budi emphasized that IKN is a future city that will be an example of other cities in Indonesia. Therefore, accessibility and inter-point connectivity must be prepared as well as possible.

"The airport is located about 15 km from the IKN center with a travel time of approximately 20 minutes," he said.

Furthermore, Budi said, the IKN VVIP Airport terminal was built on an area of 7,000 meters in angle with a VVIP of approximately 1,500 square meters.

The elements of local wisdom highlighted in the airport terminal design include the nuances of the Long House, Rangkok Bird, and the painting of the Kalimantan arch line.

To note, Rumah Panjang is a typical Dayak tribe house in Kalimantan and will be highlighted in airport and port buildings.

Second, Sadubg Budi, a hornbill is a typical Kalimantan endemic bird. Finally, paintings or curved lines typical of Kalimantan will be displayed modernly at airports and ports.

The airport terminal spatial planning consists of VVIP Terminal, VIP Terminal, GSE Parking, Air Side Inspection Post, Guard Post, Hangar, Cargo, Catering, DPPU, Pump House, STP & WTP, Substation Power House, Workshop / GSE Maintenance, Worship Building, Office, Quarantine Building, Cantin, Office House, TPS, Meteorology, EOC, PKP PK, Power House, PLN Substation, ATC Tower.

In addition to checking the progress of the VVIP Airport construction, Budi also reviewed the prospective location for the construction of a tourist port in IKN, which is expected to become a new tourist destination that shows its natural beauty.

Furthermore, Budi explained, the environmental aspect is a concern in building ports.

"A number of areas in Kalimantan are cities that have a lot of water and mangroves, we will build a tourist port that can show or show Balikpapan's natural tourism, just as beautiful as other destinations," he said.

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