JAKARTA - Commission V DPR RI approved the addition of the budget of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) from the budget ceiling of Rp. 146.9 trillion to Rp. 147.3 trillion for the 2024 Fiscal Year (TA).
"So in accordance with the figures submitted by the Budget Agency (Banggar) of the DPR RI to Commission V of the DPR RI, we have ratified the RAPBN to become the APBN for 2024," said Chairman of Commission V DPR RI Lasarus at the DPR RI Jakarta Building, on Tuesday, September 12.
Based on data received by Commission V of the Indonesian House of Representatives from Banggar DPR RI, Lasarus said, the Ministry of PUPR proposed a budget ceiling for the 2024 Fiscal State Budget of Rp. 146.9 trillion.
"The RAPBN of the Ministry of PUPR is Rp. 146.9 trillion, there is an increase in salaries of Rp. 141.2 billion and an additional expenditure of Rp. 245.1 billion, so the APBN ceiling for the Ministry of PUPR in 2024 is Rp. 147.3 trillion," he said.
Later, the Ministry of PUPR will allocate the budget for the completion of the priority infrastructure development target project in 2024, such as the construction of 23 dam units, construction of 4,000 hectares of irrigation (ha), rehabilitation and improvement of irrigation covering an area of 38,000 ha, construction of toll roads through government support of 19.36 kilometers (km), and construction of toll roads through the Toll Road Business Entity (BUJT) or other parties along 526.77 km.
In addition, the Ministry of PUPR will carry out the construction and improvement of the Drinking Water Development System (SPAM) with a capacity of 2,985 liters per second, the arrangement of the National Tourism Strategic Area (KSPN) and other strategic activities covering an area of 352 ha, as well as the construction of 2,585 flats, 45,872 units of self-help housing assistance, and the construction of 820 public utilities (PSU) housing units.
According to the plan, the Ministry of PUPR will also continue a labor-intensive program with an absorption target of 309 thousand workers by 2024.
The Ministry of PUPR received a budget allocation for the construction of the capital city of Nusantara (IKN) of IDR 35.376 trillion.
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