
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) will continue the construction of the Pararel Border Road in West Kalimantan (West Kalimantan).

PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono targets that the construction of the West Kalimantan Border Parallel Road to the limit of East Kalimantan (Kaltim) along 608 kilometers (km) can penetrate it completely by the end of 2024.

"Infrastructure development in President Jokowi's government is still continuing the first period program (2014-2019), namely building from the outskirts," Minister Basuki said in a written statement received by VOI, on Monday, September 4.

Basuki said that his party had reviewed the 149 km East Kalimantan Nanga Era-Batas section on Sunday, September 3. Along 25 km of the section has been paved, while the other 25 km are in the process of paving until May 2024. The rest will be worked out to be functional by the end of 2024 or early 2025.

In the review, Minister Basuki again reminded the importance of sustainable development that pays attention to environmental conditions, especially the construction of border roads in Kalimantan which are still in forest areas.

"It is well prepared the details of the design of the arrangement of the slopes. It is correct to check every extreme point prone to landslides with cliff security, so that erosion will not cause the surrounding plants to die and pollute the downstream river. This is part of the application of the principle of sustainable environmental development," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the West Kalimantan National Road Implementation Center (BPJN) of the Directorate General of Highways Handiyana said, until the end of 2022, the total 608 km Parallel Border Road which has been paved along 221 km.

"Currently, all Border Roads in West Kalimantan have penetrated/opened, but there are several segments that are not fully functional because there is still a need for bridge construction and road slope improvement," he said.

Handiyana added, in 2023, 9 packages of work are being carried out to improve and build the West Kalimantan Border Road by the Ministry of PUPR, including the improvement of roads and the Siding/Sewide-Batas Sekayan/Entikong-Rahanu Road (47.10 km) in 2022-2024 with a value of Rp209 billion, and routine maintenance of the Sontas Intersection-Simpang Sontas (95.54 km) Road and Bridge. worth Rp9.6 billion.

Then, the construction of the Kapuas Hulu/Sintang-Nanga Badau Road MYC (33.60 km) in 2020-2023 is worth IDR 199 billion.

Currently, the Entikong-Rasu-Basau Bridge construction for MYC 2020-2023 is also carried out for IDR 139 billion (859 meters), an increase in the Rasau-Seisland-Batas Kapuas Hulu/Sintang MYC 2022-2024 section of IDR 181 billion (68 km), and routine maintenance of the Karangan-Rahau-Nanga Bentuk-Nanga Badau (89 km) intersection road and bridge for IDR 7.39 billion.

Then, the construction of Jalan Nanga Era-Batas Kaltim MYC 2022-2024 worth IDR 148 billion (25 km), routine maintenance of the Nanga Era-Batas Kaltim (27 km) Road and Bridge worth IDR 2.9 billion, as well as routine maintenance of Simpang Temejuk-Tanjung and Aruk-Simpang Take (65 km) worth IDR 3.9 billion.

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