JAKARTA - The government through the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia has officially issued the SR019 series of retail State Sharia Securities (SBSN) with an offering period that will take place on September 1-20, 2023.
Head of Digital Marketing Bibit.id, Angie Anandita Tjhatra, believes that the issuance of SR019 will be welcomed again by investors in Indonesia. The reason is, in addition to being based on Sharia and 100 percent guaranteed by the state, investors who buy SR019 in Bibit have the opportunity to get cashback of up to Rp30 million.
At the same time, Angie said that the Indonesian public's interest in investing in Government Securities (SBN) has experienced significant developments from time to time. Data from the Indonesian Central Securities Depository (KSEI) noted that the number of SBN investors in January 2023 was at 848 thousand investors, while at the end of July 2023, the figure increased to 929 thousand investors.
Regarding products, SR019 is published in two types, namely SR019-T3 and SR019-T5, so that investors can choose according to their investment needs. SR019-T3 has a three-year tenor with a fixed rate of 5.95% per year. SR019-T5 has a five-year tenor with a fixed yield of 6.1% per year.
With fixed rate returns, SR019 provides yields that remain stable until maturity, even though the economic condition has fluctuated. SR019 yields (coupons) can also be accepted by investors every month. Thus, it is suitable to be used as an alternative for passing income to remain monthly.
"The return from SR019 is greater than the average interest rate of state-owned bank deposits and the tax is only 10%, in contrast to deposits whose tax is 20%. SR019 is a sharia-based investment option that has been supervised by the MUI National Sharia Council (DSN)," said Angie, in her statement, Monday, September 4.
The purchase/order for SR019-T3 is IDR 1 million and a multiplicity of IDR 1 million with a maximum of IDR 5 billion, while the purchase/order of the minimum for SR019-T5 is IDR 1 million and a multiple of IDR 1 million with a maximum of IDR 10 billion. SR019 is a type of SBN that can be sold in the secondary market (tradable) before maturity.
To invest in SR019 in Bibit, the method is very easy. Investors simply click on the icon or banner 'State Securities (SBN)' on the application homepage or on the Bibit website. In this case, Bibit partners with Stockbit Sekuritas to manage the listing and storing of investor-owned SBN Investor Fund Accounts. Later, after investors make payments for SBN transactions, investors will receive transaction evidence in the form of State Revenue Evidence (BPN). In BPN, there is a State Revenue Certificate Number (NTPN) issued directly by the state and becomes proof of the ownership of the SBN purchased.
"Another reason why we believe that SR019 will be in great demand by investors is because in the last two SBN issuances, namely the ORI023 Series Retail State Bonds on 30 June-20 July 2023 and the ST010 Retail Sukuk series on 12 May-7 June 2023 ago, Bibit managed to become a partner in the fintech category with the most sales. This means that public awareness and trust in SBN and Bibit investments continues to increase," added Angie.
In terms of promotion, Bibit provides various cashbacks to investors, ranging from Rp. 50,000, Rp. 100,000, Rp. 200 thousand, Rp. 600 thousand, Rp. 1 million, Rp. 2 million, Rp. 4 million, Rp. 9 million, Rp. 12 million, Rp. 15 million to Rp. 30 million.
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