
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) received a budget allocation of IDR 7.04 trillion in 2024.

"Based on a joint letter from the Minister of National Development Planning Number B.664/M.PPN/D.8/PP.04.02/07/2023 and the Minister of Finance Number S-626/MK.02/2023 concerning the Expenditure Budget Ceiling for K/L and DAK TA 2024 and the Settlement of RKA-K/L TA 2024, KKP received a budget ceiling allocation of IDR 7.04 trillion," said Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Sakti Wahyu Trenggono in a Working Meeting with Commission IV DPR RI in Jakarta, on Thursday, August 31.

Trenggono said that the KKP budget ceiling for Fiscal Year (TA) 2024 received an additional allocation of Rp. 141.25 billion from the original Rp. 6.9 trillion to Rp. 7.04 trillion.

"The budget is allocated for operations to support the Measurable Fish Fishing (PIT) program, seaweed production and downstreaming, monitoring ship operational day, and strengthening competitiveness in the PIT locus," said Trenggono.

With this budget, the KKP also supports the government's program in national priority (PN) with an allocation of Rp3.05 billion or 75 percent of the total non-operational expenditures with details of PN one, namely strengthening economic resilience for quality and fair growth of Rp1.96 billion.

Then, PN two is to develop an area to reduce inequality and ensure equal distribution of IDR 26.5 billion. The third PN increases quality and competitive human resources by IDR 229.1 billion.

Next, PN four is mental evolution and cultural development of Rp. 3 billion. PN six develops the environment, increases disaster resilience, and climate change with a budget of Rp. 129.8 billion, and PN seven strengthens the stability of polichankam and transformation of public services of Rp. 698.9 billion.

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