
The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) is working on investment growth in the renewable energy industry (EBT) through the transformation of the green economy.

"The government through the Ministry of Industry continues to encourage investment in the EBT supporting industry, including the solar cell industry and the solar module. This is also aimed at the success of the Net Zero Emission 2060 program," said Minister of Industry (Menperin) Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita in a written statement received by VOI, Tuesday, August 29.

Agus said the momentum of economic and industrial growth must continue to be supported by the provision of sustainable, affordable (equity), and sufficient (security).

The government prioritizes the development of energy transitions using New Renewable Energy (EBT) through the transformation of a green economy.

This is one of Indonesia's efforts to play an active role in global emission mitigation efforts, anticipation of climate change, and commitment to achieving Net Zero Emission in 2060.

Not only that, the industrial sector plays a role in supply and demand sides. On the supply side, the electricity equipment machine industry must continue to be developed to provide quality products for the development of electricity infrastructure.

Meanwhile, on the demand side, industrial development will encourage the growth of electricity consumption.

"This is an opportunity for domestic EBT infrastructure supporting industries, especially the solar module industry, which must be used as much as possible in PLTS projects in Indonesia," said Agus.

Currently, in Indonesia, there are 22 solar module manufacturers with an accumulation of the total production capacity of annual domestic solar module production capabilities reaching 1,644 MWp and the maximum capacity specification per solar module reaches 560 Wp.

Even so, there are still obstacles faced by the domestic solar module industry, namely the fast-growing specifications of solar module products, the solar cell component industry is still very limited, and also the requirements for the "Tier 1" category required by foreign funding agencies.

To provide opportunities for domestic industries to contribute to the clean energy transition and make the EBT sector attractive to investment, the Ministry of Industry together with all relevant stakeholders through the policy of Increasing the Use of Domestic Products (P3DN) will always strive to encourage domestic products in the procurement of EBT infrastructure, especially PLTS.

One of the efforts of the Ministry of Industry is to issue Regulation of the Minister of Industry Number 5 of 2017 which regulates the minimum TKDN value requirements for PLTS projects.

The increase in the portion of EBT in the PLN RUPTL for 2021-2030 and the transition policy towards Net Zero Emission 2060 show an overview of the huge need or market potential for the EBT component industry.

This large market must be utilized as much as possible by the domestic industry. Agus himself encouraged PT PLN (Persero) to act as a stakeholder in an effort to accelerate the formation of PLTS in Indonesia.

Agus also appreciated PTwas Mas Agra Indonesia for its commitment to building the solar and solar cell module industry in Indonesia. This is a good step in order to participate in the success of the Indonesia Net Zero Emission 2060 program.

"Investasi pabrik sel dan panel surya ini merupakan batu loncatan untuk perkembangan industri moduli surya Indonesia, mendukung subtitusi impor dengan menyediakan produk moduli surya yang berkualitas, yang pada akhirnya akan meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional," ungkapnya.

The investment also indicates that Indonesia is still a strategic investment destination, in line with various policies and initiatives set by the government to attract domestic and international investment, which results in the establishment of new industries and expansion of existing industries.

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