
JAKARTA - BNI Sekuritas explained various practical instructions (tips) in maintaining security when investing in the Indonesian capital market in line with the recent increase in cybercrimes.

SEVP Retail Markets & IT BNI Sekuritas Teddy Wishadi explained, first, the public needs to activate Two Factor Authentication (2FA) on investment accounts, such as SMS codes or authentication applications to provide additional security layers, as stated in Jakarta, Wednesday.

Second, the public needs to maintain the confidentiality of personal accounts and information, by not providing personal information or passwords to other parties, and ensuring that only logins from secure devices and not allowing others to access them without permission.

"Avoid also providing unnecessary personal information when transacting, trusted investment platforms will not ask for excessive personal information," Teddy said, quoting Antara.

Third, the public can update the software and ensure the device has a new operating system, antivirus, and application with all the latest security.

Fourth, the public needs to be aware of unknown messages or links, be aware of suspicious messages asking for confirmation regarding personal information or clicking links, because they can be phishing and dangerous.

"If you receive a similar message and hesitate, immediately verify with the investment platform through official contacts," said Teddy.

Fifth, the public needs to use a safe internet connection and avoid conducting share transactions or mutual funds through a public Wifi network or unencrypted.

"Use a safe internet connection, such as a private network with a more secure password or connection path, such as VPN," said Teddy.

Sixth, the public needs to ensure carefully that the funds have been received, or the funds have been invested in accordance with the instructions, if there is an error, they can report the problem to the official contact of the investment service provider.

Seventh, you need to make sure you always log out (out of account) after you finish transacting and closing the login session. "Never let the login session open without supervision, especially if you share your device with other people," said Teddy.

For information, from 2017 to July 31, 2023, the Financial Services Authority (OJK) Investment Alert Task Force (SWI) has suspended 6,894 illegal financial entities consisting of 1,193 illegal investment entities, 5,450 lending entities in illegal networks and 251 illegal pawning entities.

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