
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) has decided to postpone the inauguration of a draft comprehensive investment plan or Comprehensive Investment and Policy Plan (CIPP) Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP). Draft is planned to be inaugurated on Wednesday 16 August 2023.

Secretary General of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Dadan Kusdiana explained that the reason for delaying the inauguration of CIPP was because his party still had to recalculate the entire cost and give time to consult the public.

"We are recalculating so that the planning is good and we want to consult the public," said Dadan, who was met by the media crew at the DPR RI Building Complex, Wednesday, August 16.

The new deadline also provides an opportunity to hold good public consultations before the finalization and launch of CIPP documents.

With this delay, the public has the opportunity to participate in reviewing and reviewing CIPP documents in its entirety and providing input and responses for consideration in the final revision of the CIPP document.

To be able to provide responses, said Dadan, the public can directly access the website and conduct a review. "We put the discussions on the website. There, everyone will be able to read and provide input," continued Dadan.

Dadan added that what needs to be recalculated in the documentary is data for non-PLN or non-PLN generators. "For example, the data for non-PLN generators is being re-calculated," added Dadan.

JETP which was signed on the sidelines of the G20 Summit in 2022 is an initiative that has succeeded in collecting elements of the government, business actors, civil society, experts and funding and banking institutions to collaborate in preparing investment plans for the energy transition.

This US$20 billion deal represents the world's largest climate funding and signifies the efforts of developed countries to support the acceleration of energy transition in developing countries to uphold global climate justice.

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