
JAKARTA - President Director of the Public Logistics Agency (Perum Bulog) Budi Waseso revealed that Indonesia has secured 1.3 million tons of imported rice.

"This has come, for our stock, we have 1.3 million tons of 2 million tons, we have controlled it," Budi Waseso told the media after the MPR DPR Annual Session in Senayan, Wednesday, August 16.

The man who is familiarly called Buwas said that the remaining 700 thousand tons of imported rice would be imported in stages. Meanwhile, 400 tons, he said, were already on their way to Indonesia.

"We only have more than 700 (OUSt tons) to enter, we have already done it, the remaining 400 continue to gradually," added Buwas.

Budi also ensured that he would not increase the quota for imports of more rice than previously determined, namely 2 million tons in 2023. For this reason, his party also continues to maintain domestic rice production from local farmers.

The current rice import activity, continued Buwas, will adjust to the needs of domestic rice.

"Don't let us not need imports, but we have to import, but if we need imports, we will import them, so they are in accordance with needs," said Buwas.

Regarding Indonesia, which is facing dry season due to El nino, Buwas ensures that domestic rice stocks are sufficient in 2023.

"That is a prediction or possibility for us, if we really need it then that is what we will do. But in the meantime, we are still sufficient from the quota of 2 million," said Buwas.

Previously, the Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto stated that the government was continuing to seek strategic steps to secure national food stocks in the second half of 2023.

According to him, this strategy was pursued in line with the potential for pressure due to the occurrence of El Nino until the end of the year.

"We will carry out mitigation, as yesterday we had a meeting in the food sector with the desire (to decide) so that rice stocks towards the end of the year can be above 2.2 million tons. This was yesterday's limited meeting with the President," he said when answering reporters' questions in Jakarta, Monday, August 7.

Airlangga explained that the decision of the important meeting gave direction and authority to the Logistics Affairs Agency (Bulog) to be able to take actions deemed necessary in maintaining national food.

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