
PT PLN (Persero) is conducting a convoy of electric motorcycles with the Indonesian Electric Motorcycle Industry Association (Aismoli) which was attended by the Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi. The convoy, entitled Fun Ride Independence of the Republic of Indonesia, was attended by 200 electric motorcyclists and was part of a campaign to realize Jakarta's independence from pollution.

Budi Karya said that currently there is massive air pollution, and its contribution is dominated by motorized vehicles. However, he admitted that he was grateful that the community wanted to be involved in holding electric motor convoy activities voluntarily, as a form of effort to reduce pollution.

"I appreciate, we have taken good steps for our environment to realize Indonesia Net Zero Emission 2060. Hopefully this riding EV will become massive, so that it can reduce pollution," said Budi Karya, quoted on Tuesday, August 15.

PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo added that PLN fully supports the government's efforts to reduce pollution through the use of Battery-Based Electric Motorized Vehicles (KBLBB) by providing adequate infrastructure for the entire community.

This commitment to reduce pollution is also in line with the government's efforts to reduce dependence on imported fossil fuels and switch to domestic new renewable energy sources (EBT).

Furthermore, Darmawan said that switching to electric vehicles is very profitable for the community because the operational costs are lower. As an illustration, for a distance of 50 kilometers (km) using a motorcycle, you spend 1 liter of fuel at a cost of around Rp. 13,000, it is the same as spending 1.2 kWh of electricity at a cost of around Rp. 2,500. Whereas the 1 liter carbon fuel emission is equivalent to 2.4 kilograms (kg) of CO2e, while 1.2 kWh of electricity emissions are equivalent to 1.3 kg of CO2e.

"That way using an electric motorbike is 80 percent more cost-effective than using a fuel motorcycle. On the other hand, using electric vehicles we have also reduced about 50 percent of carbon emissions to support creating fresher and cleaner air," said Darmawan.

Aismoli chairman Budi Setiyadi said this activity was a form of appreciation to the government for its support for the development of the KBLBB industry in Indonesia. Through this convoy, Aismoli also intends to invite the public to switch to electric vehicles.

"We will also work with PLN to educate the public about the use of electric vehicles. This convoy activity is held as a form of initiation to make people aware to switch to electric motorcycles. Especially now, pollution in Jakarta is getting worse," said Budi.

General Manager of PLN UID Jakarta Raya, Lasiran stated that in Jakarta, the electricity vehicle infrastructure provided by PLN is sufficient. Currently in Jakarta, there are 40 locations for Public Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (SPKLU) with 64 chargers, 245 locations for Public Electric Vehicle Battery Exchange Stations (SPBKLU) with a total of 290 cabinets, and 3,256 public Electric Charging Stations (SPLU).

"There has been a lot of cooperation between PLN regarding electric vehicles including the provision of SPKLU, SPLU, SPBKLU, as well as campaigns for the use of electric vehicles as we carried out today through fun rides. Apart from reducing air pollution, electric vehicles are also an effort to support the government in achieving carbon neutral in 2060," said Lasiran.

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