JAKARTA - Cooperation Contract Contract Contractor (KKKS) of PT. Eni North Ganal Ltd. which has a contract with the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) carried out the North-1 Gang exploration well tax. This tax was successfully carried out on Friday, July 21, 2023 at 00.30 WITA.
Deputy for Exploration of SKK Migas Working Area Development and Management Benny Lubiantara said the North-1 Gang exploration well was the first deep Deep Water Drilling exploration well in 2023 with a sea depth of 1952 m located in the waters off the coast of Kutai Basin, approximately 60 km from East Kalimantan beach and about 130 km from Bontang facility, East Kalimantan.
"The thickening of the North-1 Gang well which is categorized as Deep Water Drilling shows that the optimization of the upstream oil and gas potential continues, including those in the deep sea area. This shows that the attractive investment in upstream national oil and gas is still promising," said Benny, Saturday, July 22.
Benny hopes that the success of drilling the North-1 Gang exploration well will have a positive impact with the future increasingly massive drilling of exploration wells in the deep seas, because Indonesia's largest oil and gas potential is at the deep sea.
Benny said that until the first semester, as many as 11 exploration wells had been taxed, of these 6 wells resulted in discoveries with a total of +216 MMBOE resources. The wells that resulted in the discovery were NSO XLLL-1 wells, Rimbo-1 Re-Entry wells, SEM-1X wells, D-1X Helios wells, 1X Adiwarna wells and Lofin-2 Re-Entry wells.
Just so you know, the target for drilling exploration wells in 2023 is 57 wells, an increase of 71 percent compared to the realization of exploration well drilling in 2022, which amounts to 42 wells.
"Massively, the exploration well drilling program shows optimism in the upstream oil and gas industry for its existing potential and is a real step as an effort to find new oil and gas reserves to support the achievement of long-term targets in 2030, namely oil production of 1 million barrels of oil per day (BOPD) and gas 12 billion cubic feet per day (BSCFD)," concluded Benny.
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