
PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) is ready to take firm action against official kiosks that have been proven to distribute subsidized fertilizers outside government regulations. This follows the disclosure of the Lumajang Police, East Java, which succeeded in thwarting the smuggling of 10 tons of subsidized fertilizer by the official Tani Business kiosk from Kalibendo Village, Pasiran District, Lumajang Regency, East Java.

VP of Sales of Region 4 Pupuk Indonesia, Rizki Candra, said that his party has currently frozen the Tani Business kiosk from subsidized fertilizer distribution activities. Rizki said that his party never hesitates to give strict sanctions to official kiosks that are proven to be involved in misappropriation of subsidized fertilizers.

"We have frozen the kiosk, and are ready to support law enforcement officials. If found guilty, we will not hesitate to stop the cooperation," said Rizki, in his statement, Tuesday, July 18.

Rizki further explained that his party had coordinated with distributors so that the remaining allocation of distribution at the Farmer's Business kiosk could be diverted to the nearest official kiosk so that farmers could still be served. Thus, the process of redeeming fertilizer by farmers who are entitled to be able to run without interruption due to the freezing of the Farmer's Business stall.

Based on information from the Lumajang Police, the perpetrator was caught selling 10 tons of subsidized fertilizer consisting of Urea and NPK fertilizers on Jalan Dusun Karanganyar, Kalibendo Village, Pasiran District. In addition, kiosk owners also take advantage by selling subsidized fertilizers above the Highest Retail Price (HET).

Therefore, Rizki appreciated the efforts and performance of the Lumajang Police in uncovering cases of abuse of subsidized fertilizers. His party admits that it will continue to coordinate with law enforcement officials in order to increase supervision of the distribution of subsidized fertilizers.

Rizki also appealed to all distribution networks, ranging from distributors and official kiosks throughout Indonesia, not to try to take illegal actions in the distribution of subsidized fertilizers. Because subsidized fertilizers are goods under government supervision. So that the circulation is monitored by law enforcement officials, ranging from the police, the prosecutor's office, the TNI, to the local government.

People can also participate in supervising the circulation of subsidized fertilizers. If there is anything suspicious, don't hesitate to report it to law enforcement officials," he said.

In addition, to improve governance in the implementation of subsidized fertilizer distribution to eligible farmers, currently Pupuk Indonesia together with the Ministry of Agriculture have implemented the digitization of kiosks. Currently, the digitization of kiosks has been successfully tested in 5 provinces, namely Bali, Aceh, Bangka Belitung, South Kalimantan, and Riau. In the future, the digitization of kiosks will be implemented throughout Indonesia, including East Java.

"With the digitization of kiosks, the process of redeeming subsidized fertilizers is recorded digitally and can be traced in real-time, making it easier for government and manufacturers to monitor," he said.

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