
JAKARTA - PT Industri Jamu dan Pharmacy Sido Muncul Tbk (SIDO) is increasingly collaborating with a number of hospitals to present the Sido Muncul Natural Healthy Kiosk. This is done by the company as an effort to provide herbal medicine as an alternative treatment to the community.

Director of Sido Muncul, Irwan Hidayat, said that the Sido Muncul Natural Healthy Kiosk was to introduce herbal medicine and modern herbal medicine as an alternative medicine. The introduction was realized through collaboration with the hospital.

According to Irwan, herbal medicine is an alternative treatment and as a medicine companion to hospital patients, so the establishment of a Healthy Kiosk Sido Muncul Natural in a number of hospitals will be reproduced and expanded.

"By cooperating with the hospital, we are targeting the Sido Muncul Natural Healthy Kiosk to be able to stand in all hospitals in Indonesia. This year at least 2,000 Healthy Kiosks of Sido Muncul Natural have been prepared," said Irwan, recently, quoted Thursday, July 13.

Furthermore, Irwan said, currently, Sido Muncul has established a Healthy Kiosk Sido Muncul Natural in Semarang, Solo and Bali cities, following Yogyakarta soon. The three Healthy Kiosks that have been operating include a Healthy Kiosk at the Pantiwilasa Hospital Dr. Cipto Semarang, Bung Karno Hospital Surakarta and the Bali Mandara Regional General Hospital (RSUD), Denpasar, Bali.

The Healthy Sido Muncul Natural Kiosk provides at least 50 types of herbal food supplements in the form of capsules and soft jells, even in the future it will be added with various types of modern herbal medicines from Sido Muncul products.

"The products in the Healthy Kiosk Sido Muncul Natural are expected to be used as drug assistants given to patients, apart from meeting the needs of the community," explained Irwan.

Irwan added, in the Healthy Kiosk, Sido Muncul products are provided, especially products in the form of capsules and soft jells and these products are only circulating in certain markets. Products prepared at the Healthy Kiosk are highly quality products and are only marketed in certain places.

In addition to establishing a Healthy Kiosk, Sido Muncul also collaborated with traditional medicine experts to develop a processing center after the harvest of medicinal plants in Indonesia.

"With this collaboration, the treatment of natural medicines and herbs, Indonesia becomes even greater," he said.

Irwan said, to achieve the target of establishing the Sido Muncul Natural Healthy Kiosk in all hospitals in Indonesia, Sido Muncul is currently in the process of collaborating with related parties and hospitals in Indonesia.

"We are building a cooperation process, the target is that the Sido Muncul Healthy Kiosk can be evenly distributed in all hospitals in Indonesia," said Irwan.

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